It will be fun walking around my yard.  I will have been gone a whole week.  It will be interesting to see the changes outside and also in my plants in my office.  Sometimes you think your plants and flowers are not growing much but I have been gone a week so I want to see what new flowers have bloomed and have buds.  I will leisurely walk around and study each inch of the ground.  Inside and outside.  I know my wife planted three large tomato plants.  When I left, some already had tomatoes on them.  I am anxious to see how our strawberry patch is doing.  By now the wild black raspberries have flowers as well as the wild black berries.  I will not be able to take in all the changes at once.  I will have to walk around my property several times to notice all the changes.  To me, this is all exciting.  It is rare I go away.