The subconscious is 9/10 of your perception.  Another way of saying that is the conscious is only the tip of the iceberg.  Last night I was watching a film by Tom Hanks called “The Green Mile”.  He is a prison guard in charge of the section of prisoners who are on death row.

My wife was on the computer twenty five feet away not paying a whole lot of attention to the movie.  The next morning she told me she had nightmares.

The movie was about the evil in this world.  One of the prison guards and particularly one of the prisoners in that section were depicted as being evil. We absorb around (???) thing around us.

Although my wife was not listening to the dialogue of the movie, she caught its evil tone and it swirled in her subconscious during her sleep.  So be careful of the company you keep or what you do or see.  It matters.

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