Dozens of blackbirds were sitting on a lone, solitary tree on the edge of the road surrounded by several acres of farmland.  I guess it was a “convention.”  I spotted this from my car and was amazed.  They were watching all the cars pass by.  Nearby I made the first definite sighting of a red winged blackbird.  It is a little harder when they are sitting.  There is a small patch of color on their shoulders and their red can only be viewed when they are flying.  They come back to that marshland every year.  And every time I pass that area I look for them.

The Two Bluebirds

Author: siggy

The first thing my wife mentioned to me after I got up was she saw pair of bluebirds from the kitchen window, who each tested out the quarters of the bluebird nesting box placed on a tree on the perimeter of our yard.  I was concerned about that because the box was precariously balanced and if the couple decided to raise their young there, I did not want to take a chance of traumatizing them by their home falling down.  I never had seen a bluebird in our yard.  I spent ten minutes strategically putting in nails in the tree to assure the nesting box would stay in place.  Now I have to wait to see if the bluebirds would come back.

The Canada geese are coming back.  I heard honking and looked up at the sky.  The geese were flying in a V shaped pattern with the left side considerably shorter.  There must have been at least seventy geese in the flock.  They were heading for Lake Huron–a small acre sized body of water.  They are an harbinger of spring.  Earlier we noted the row of tulips were coming up.  It will be a surprise what colors they are.  No one seems to remember what the package indicated.  More and more greenery is coming up.  There are surprises every day.