Love and hate is always mixed.  You can love your mate and also hate her at the same time.  To be ambivalent toward your mate can be normal.  Somehow you have to suspend those feelings and accept they both can exist at the same time.

Usually you are attracted to your other for she/or he has something you lack.  The cliche is if both of you are the same, one of you is unnecessary.  There is a lot of truth to that.

The whole is often better than the two parts.  You were drawn to your partner because she/he had something you lacked.  And visa versa.  Your partner can bring out the best in you and sometime the worst in you.  You just have to ride it out.

No one has the power to enrage you as your partner.  The person who is the closest to you who knows more about you than any one else–all your weaknesses and all your strengths.

Love and hate can be present at the same time.  Just accept that.  Don’t be surprised when those two feelings are elicited at the same time.  You do not have to react to both of them.  Accept the ambivalence.