Most people’s concept of sex is too narrow.  Sex is not just purely physical.  It is any exchange that goes on between two human beings.  We label others far too readily:  bisexual, homosexual and heterosexual are a few of these labels.  Sex ranges the whole spectrum from a look to a hug to intercourse.

Sex between partners is extremely sacred and forms an almost unbreakable bond.  You have to be very careful you do not violate your partner’s trust.  It is very difficult to win it back if you break it.

The baby knows how the mother views her own body and exactly the attitude she portrays toward him/her–to the degree she accept her new arrival.  The fetus at an unconscious level knows all this.

Every person has feeling toward the same sex.  That is totally natural.  It does not mean you have to physically express it.  Sex can be a very powerful force and you must remain aware of what you are doing.  You always have a choice on how to use it.

It can lift you up or in the worse possible scenario even destroy you.  You have to be very careful and do not put yourself in compromising positions.  You have to guard your chastity (remaining faithful to your partner).  It matters.