It should be always that easy.  “Tilla”, one of my four dogs, is my buddy and friend.  I did not do much:  I fed him regularly and made sure he had water in his dish.  I, also, gave him a belly rub whenever he wanted.  Now he is my buddy for life.  Too bad it is not that easy with humans although getting a belly rub anytime you want is not a bad idea.  Humans can be so complicated (and dogs so easy to love).  Maybe that is why others trust dogs more than their fellow men.  They never disapprove of you or criticize you.  They are always loyal.  And always glad to see you.  And always act as if you were gone forever when you return to your house (no matter how short that period was).  You can’t beat that.

Spring was less than five weeks away.  I started my countdown.  It was close enough to it.  I do this every year.  It is a little game I play.  I am waiting for the warmer weather.  The spring.  The blackberries and raspberries I pick.  My annual camping trip I take in May with my buddy.  The explosion of life.  The first flowers — daffodils.  Everything.  Every year I have a countdown.  The winter that passes me and I endure just makes spring that much sweeter.  Right now there is quite a bit of snow on the ground.  I know in less than six weeks it will be all gone and the daily temperatures will gradually rise.  My countdown is my anticipation of spring and what follows.