Every time I pass that marsh on my right from my car I peer down the two different bodies of water.  Sometimes I see nothing.  Other times I have seen great egrets and snowy egrets at its borders.  This time I saw three deer lined up in a row all the way back at the edge of the water.  I had never seen deer there before.  I always wondered about the owner of that piece of property.  He has bird boxes in strategic spots there.  I am sure he loves the property and its inhabitants.  I am only briefly visiting it.  I wonder if there is any fish in it.  It is not mine but I love passing and looking at it.  I always wonder about it.

Three deer bounded across the road right in front of me coming from the large meadow.  They must have been holed up in the tract of woods adjacent to my property.  It was an unusual spot to see deer.  Though there were deer tracks in the snow in my driveway a few weeks ago.  In the eight years I have only seen two deer here.  The three deer looked like they were fawns not yet completely grown.  Hunting season was long past.  They were heading toward the farmland and the forest beyond.  I was just surprised to see them here so close to my property.  There are other animals in the vicinity but they usually stay out of our view.  The juxtaposition of animals with civilization has always fascinated me.  And we are on the edge of country.  You just never know what you are going to see.