The beach In Bay Head, NJ was much nicer than I thought it would be.  It stretched for miles and there were not many people on it.  I had this idea there would be some kind of barrier at the border of each town on the beach but that was not the case.

We even saw dolphins in the ocean.  I was thrilled.  They were huge and I never expected to see them.  They “made” this trip really memorable.  I have not thought about my dogs who I boarded until now and now I miss them.  Absence makes the heart fonder.

The Atlantic Ocean is really far from us so I will appreciate it now.  The Inn we are staying at is really nice although the beds were really hard.  I am off to the Ocean again.

I want to learn to be more mindful of what I do:  I like smoking cigars but I want to enjoy them more.  Being more aware I am smoking one not only cuts down on the number of cigars I smoke but also means I enjoy them more.

The less you do things routinely without thinking the more you can enjoy that activity.  That includes all your favorite foods everything you enjoy doing.  You are less likely to be overweight if you savor every bite you eat.

It is so easy to become blind to your surrounding.  That is why when you go on vacation and are traveling in an unfamiliar surroundings everything appears so fresh in your eyes.

The trick is to slow down and be mindful of everything you do.  Everything will appear to be in be in slow motion.  Maybe you can not do that with everything but it is worth a try.

There is so much beauty that is right under our noses.  And we pass by it each day without a glance.  Somehow we have to slow down and truly see what is there.  That is becoming more mindful.