Every Moment Is Precious

Author: siggy

Every moment is precious.  And it is so easy to take your life for granted and every ability you have.  Every thing is a privilege until you lose it and realize what you had was really on loan.  Everything is by grace.  And to the degree you can consciously realize every moment is precious the less you will take for granted the gifts granted to you are only by grace.  Every sunset and sunrise you come across are only by grace.  Every moment is precious.  And you have to remind yourself of this over and over.

Life Is Precious

Author: siggy

Every moment is precious.  Every moment is to be savored although you have to allow yourself to waste some but not many for time can be squandered.  It is the simple things that have to be appreciated like getting up by yourself, sipping your morning coffee or waiting for the sunrise to occur.  Don’t delude yourself:  the world does not revolve around you.  Nevertheless, you must act every day as if your life makes a difference in someone else life other than your own.  Yes, you can change the world.  If you do not think otherwise, your life is in a decline.  So act accordingly.  Life is very precious and must not be frittered away.