You can’t have a true education without following your heart.  It does not matter how you do it:  reading, fixing things whatever it is.  Your heart vibrates when you listen to that tiny voice.  Sure there are things in life you have to do even if you do not like the task but there has to be things you love doing.  Otherwise you wither inside, die a little each day.  So find what that little voice is asking you to do.  You can change the world by doing the things only you can do.  Each person is unique and has things only they can do.  And of course there will be resistance.  You have to work through that.  Only you know what is stirring in your heart.  The world will be a better place after you leave it.  Explore the portion that is yours to mine.  So answer your calling.

There are two ways to face your life: either with fear or courage. Yes, there are evil forces out there and if you give in to fear and paranoia, you become paralyzed.

You have so much in your control. Exert what is in your personal sphere. Change what you can and live as if you can make a difference. And you can. And will.

Act as if you can change the world and that tiny mustard seed you possess will grow mighty and conquer armies. Every movement started with one person.

Never give up the power of one. You can move mountains if you believe what you can do is important. Don’t lose yourself in power but believe you make a difference in other people’s lives.

If you view the powers out there, you may get discouraged. Do the small things the Lord is prompting you to do. Kindness and humility can melt icy exteriors.

Always start at home. Love your family and those around you. You may never know how someone you encouraged will move a mountain. Love always starts at home.

If you want to cheat death, don’t worry about your life.  Take the place in the universe God Has given you.

Do what you are commanded to do, what the tiny voice inside of you is directing you to do.

Consequences always exist.  Do not be concerned about them.  Sure, take reasonable precautions, but do not let them shackle you.  Your place in the universes is unraveling.  Do not be afraid.

Follow your heart.  Sometimes it may deceive you but always return to the best life has to offer you.  Do not look at other people’s progress.  Looks are always deceiving.

Vibrate to the pulse of your universe.  It is your place.  Do not be concerned of your significance.  When you are fulfilling only the role, the place put on the earth for you there is never shame.

Too many people are trapped by the expectations of others.  Meet yours first and remember each one of us is important to the Almighty.  That is hard to fathom but fulfill the path He is laying out for you.  It is uniquely yours.  And the more you follow it the more your ripples can change the universes.  One person can change the world.  You have to believe you are here for a purpose.  You may not know it but believe you can make a difference.

To believe otherwise is to lead a life of despair.  Act as if you matter.  And you will.

It is so easy to view the current events occurring in the world and feel completely helpless.  You really have to back down and look at your life and your personal sphere of influence.  Every day you have contact with people.  You never know for sure how your actions will impact the world.  That is beyond your scope.

To love the people God puts in your circle is no small thing.  It might send small shock waves throughout the universe.  It is true you can not predict the impact of your daily behavior but loving each person who is in your personal sphere of influence is no small thing.  The world could be transformed.  Yes, that might not happen but don’t linger there.  It will only defeat you.

Mother Teresa said do not do big things with love but small things with much love.  It is so easy to get lost in the big picture.  Look at the lives you are intertwined with:  your wife, your kids, your relatives, your friends even the strangers you pass every day.  You never know how a kind or encouraging word can just be the right medicine for some hurting person.

You can transform the world but first learn to do small things with much love.  Life is really composed of many small things.  The big things in life only come along once in a while.  So learn to reach out to each person with love, acceptance and respect.  As Jesus said, “Lose your life and you will find it.”  That does not sound like an exact quote but nevertheless reach out to others.  You will never be disappointed.

We Are Wired To Love

Author: siggy

Saturday, February 14, 2009, 7:13 am
You Can Change the World

Life is very precious.  Every day.  Yes, we can squander some time.  And that is okay.  But if you live as if your life does not matter, it is a life of despair.  You have to feel what you do matters and you can change the world.  It does not revolve around you.  Nevertheless you have to feel you make a difference in someone’s life otherwise it is a squandered life.  All we have to do is look around at the lives God put next to you.  There are always needs out there and hurting people.  You have to figure out how you can reach out to these people your lives are intertwined with.  You just have to open your eyes and listen.  The people are always there.  We were meant to love.  We are wired that way.

Life Is Precious

Author: siggy

Every moment is precious.  Every moment is to be savored although you have to allow yourself to waste some but not many for time can be squandered.  It is the simple things that have to be appreciated like getting up by yourself, sipping your morning coffee or waiting for the sunrise to occur.  Don’t delude yourself:  the world does not revolve around you.  Nevertheless, you must act every day as if your life makes a difference in someone else life other than your own.  Yes, you can change the world.  If you do not think otherwise, your life is in a decline.  So act accordingly.  Life is very precious and must not be frittered away.