I was speeding home and glanced at the mountain across the mile wide river.  The sun was resting on top of the mountain.  I looked again and it was gone.  It was a brief look at dusk–one point in time I almost missed.  How much of life is that momentary–here today, gone tomorrow?  All we can do is keep our eyes open for those special moments.  You never know when they come along.  This was one such moment.

The Bouquet Of Flowers

Author: siggy

The bouquet of flowers was exquisite:  all kinds of sunflowers.  All shades of yellows and browns and small and big ones.  And I know they will not last, but today they are beautiful and I loved the sparkle in my wife’s eyes when she viewed them.  Beauty is so ephemeral–here today, gone tomorrow but today I will enjoy the flowers.  I can’t do more than that.  Life is always in a state of flux.  And we forget that.  The beautiful bouquet reminded me of that.  Life is to be enjoyed now.  Not later.  Or when you have become successful.  Years later.  Now.  Always now.

It Was A Small Discovery

Author: siggy

It was a small discovery:  a miniature daffodil had bloomed.  It might have been one I had bought in the store and she planted it after it had bloomed.

I wanted to show my wife it.  I checked on it today and found out the flower was lying on the ground separated from its stem.  I never got to show it to my wife.  I felt bad.  I was really careful I would not step on it.  It was a little to the side.

Most flowers are so fragile–here today, gone tomorrow.  Maybe, it will have another bloom.  I just felt a sense of loss I never was able to show my wife it.  Now the bloom was on the ground.  I just felt bad.

Sometimes produce reminds us of the temporal nature of things. I bought Winesap apples recently. It is one of my favorite apples. It is not here too long–a few weeks if that long at all.

I love Seckel pears but the season is done for them. They are little but very tasty pears. I managed to buy them twice. Now I have to wait til next year.

I bought at my favorite produce store Bartlett pears several times last year. They were unlike those you can’t get in the big supermarkets. They were tree ripened and were absolutely delicious. This year I managed to miss them.

There are so many things in life here today gone tomorrow. And you have to appreciate them when they are here. Produce reminded me of that. There are seasons for each one. And they are all different.