Life goes on no matter what.  I walked into my bank and glanced briefly at the teller who greeted me cordially.  I realized immediately I did not want to complain to her about the surgery I just had.

My procedure was elective preparing me for the day I would have to undergo dialysis.  My surgery was actually a good thing.

I did not want to to burden my teller with any of this.  It just wasn’t necessary.  I was not trying to be a martyr.  I was glad to be alive and taken care of so well.

I just accepted the smile from the teller and left the bank.  I don’t have to share every bit of news with every person who comes my way.

Unfinished Business

Author: siggy

We always have unfinished business.  Everyone.  We pick up the threads of other peoples’ unfinished business and when the Lord takes me, someone else whose life I have impacted will pick up where I left off.  Sometimes we complete a task only we were meant to take on in life.  No one is indispensable no matter what you do or the reputation you have earned (or notoriety in some peoples’ cases).  That is only an illusion.  Life goes on and so does decay and renewal.