Winter Is Slipping Away

Author: siggy

Winter is slipping away.  Now spring is approximately five weeks away.  Today we might get some snow but the snowfall they are calling for is minor.  The New England states are going to be hit much harder.  There have been no major snowfalls this year but I am not dismissing winter yet.  It still has a ways to go.  We have had some bone chilling temperatures but most of winter so far has been mild, which does not mean I will not welcome spring and its corresponding warmer weather.  I will.  I just tolerate winter.  And dress warmer when It gets colder.  I don’t know what else to do.

We are on the cusp of spring.  The ten day weather forecast says every day will be at least sixty degrees and there might be one or two days that hits seventy.  Today is sunny and warm and I want to go out to celebrate the spring that is coming.  It is less than two weeks away.  Let us see when the robins have all come back and are on everyone’s lawn searching for earthworms.  This winter was mild and there was almost no snow.  I just don’t tolerate cold weather too well any longer and I am awaiting the first seventy degree day.

The winter was perfect for the primrose.  It was so mild the primrose never died and flowered throughout the whole winter.  In the past there were seasons it bloomed twice–early spring and fall.  Not this season.  It bloomed throughout the whole winter and it appears it will continue through the spring.  At least through early spring.  It likes cold weather, but not warm weather.  I have never seen the primrose do this.  This indicates how mild the winter was this year.  Usually an extended freeze kills it and then it comes up, again, the following spring.  Just about every plant in the bed either has buds or is flowering.

The yellow primrose are still blooming.  This indicates how warm this winter has been.  There has been no extreme extended freezes.  They like cold weather but usually they die when the temperature drops and stays there for a few days.  I only remember one or two frigid days so far–not enough to kill the primrose.  I never remember the primrose blooming this late in the season.  This winter has really been mild.