Thank God for things that have to be done every day.  It is so easy to become depressed but there are tasks that have to be done:  your pets have to be fed and let out, the dishwasher has to be emptied (or filled), bills have to be paid, meals made and grocery trips and so forth.  And of course that is an incomplete list.  There is no getting around those things.  Focusing on the present forces you out of yourself.  And that is a good thing.  It is too easy to magnify our problems.  We can’t escape our self but after all is done maybe your problems shrink a little and are more manageable so thank God for all our routines.  They don’t go away but maybe you can face them better after you are done.  It is a good thing to forget our current difficulties even if it is only temporarily.

I Was At Loss What To Do

Author: siggy

I was at loss what to do.  Then I looked around and started to focus on the next thing.  First I turned off the shut off valve for the outside faucet.  Then I wiped off the two fold-able chairs and lounge chair.  They needed to come in from the yard.  There were other tasks that needed to be done.  And before I knew it an hour had passed.  And I even got a little tired in the process.  I will remember that another time time hangs too heavily:  do the next thing.