Spring went straight into summer.  I was gone a week.  I know summer still has five weeks to go but that is the way it seemed.  The big lilac bush bloomed while I was gone.  There was new growth all over the place.  All this in a week.  I noticed the two patio tomato plants grew quite a bit.  I still have not carefully inspected the garden.  I am sure there are other changes.  It has become the time of year I just wear tee shirts and shorts.  Pretty soon I will be putting back the air conditioner in the bedroom.  We discarded the thick blanket and the fan ran all night.

It was a brief respite from the Autumn cold. I thought I had put my shorts away for the season but today it was muggy and abnormally warm. I discarded my shirt and put on a pair of my tee shirts on along with a pair of shorts. We are getting a last burst of summer. I will enjoy the weather fully aware the cold is coming back and I have to be prepared with warmer clothing.

Indian Summer Is Over

Author: siggy

Indian summer is over.  Within the last week, we ended a week of weather whereby it hit eighty each day.  Now sometimes the high temperature of the day falls below sixty degrees.  Now it is wet and cold.  I am no longer wearing tee shirts and shorts.  I have to pack them away.  The summer is over for good at least until next year.

It was in the fifties and when I stepped out I felt cold.  It is back to wearing more layers of clothing.  Soon I will discard my tee shirts and shorts for the rest of the year.  It is still officially Summer but it feels like Fall already.  I always wondered how it would feel not to live in a temperate climate.  Maybe if I didn’t, I would not appreciate spring and the warmer weather so much.

It Is Becoming Colder

Author: siggy

It is becoming colder.  I am no longer wearing tee shirts and shorts, which I do all summer.  Now I am wearing long pants and undershirt and shirt.  The next thing I have to put on when it gets even colder is a sweat shirt or sweater.  Fall is around the corner.  The leaves are starting to fall.

It was only this week I switched to wearing only tee shirts and shorts.  It finally got too humid and hot.  I do not like being too warm.  Every year this happens.  Now for a few months that is what I will usually wear except for the cool days.

It Was Midway to Summer

Author: siggy

It was midway to summer.  The temperatures were mild and sometimes cool.  It could stay this way all the time but it won’t.  I am wearing a light jacket today.  I know the hot weather will come and I will switch to wearing shorts and tee shirts all the time.  Weather is always so unpredictable.  I am in no rush for summer to get here.

Between fifty five and sixty five degrees I usually wear insulated underwear.  No jacket or sweater.  But insulated underwear.  It is getting warmer and soon I will switch to shorts and tee shirts when the weather will get warm and even hot.  I just don’t like being cold.

It is four days into spring and I am still wearing my insulated undershirt and underwear.  I know warmer temperatures are coming but I am impatient.  It still feels like winter.  I will know winter has finally gone when I turn off, for now, the heat in my office and when I go back to wearing shorts and tee shirts the cold weather is finally gone and summer has come for good.  Every year I go through the same cycle (as far as the clothing I routinely wear).  I just wish I would get there sooner.