I Am Not Afraid Of Death

Author: siggy

I am not afraid of death.  Not as much any more.  I have to live my life.  No one know when that appointed hour will come for sure.  What is worse is not living your life to the fullest.  That is worse than death.

The prospect of my demise became closer.  I had to look at it and face my fears.  There is always the fear of suffering and becoming helpless.  All I could do was grab the control that was in my reach and leave the rest to the Almighty.

Maybe it would be more accurate to say that I feared the grim reaper less.  I wanted my wife to be in the best situation financially as she could be:  wills in place, etc.  She also trusts the Lord.

That really is your only source of comfort:  God is in control and you can rely on Him.  When you realize that, death is less threatening and you can put down your guard.  Every one faces death.  You are not alone.