Every day is a privilege and why do I act otherwise.  I act as if my days are endless and as King Solomon says, ‘Life is but a vapor.’

I waste (our) days sometimes.  I act as if my time on this earth is infinite.  I know.  I have been there repeatedly.  I have to remind myself each day is a gift.  I know I am a master of rationalization.  I act as if I will be forever here.

It is marvelous what a shower and putting on clean clothes (and dressing nicely) does to your attitude.  I am saying today matters.  I will respect my time here.  It is truly a gift.

It is so easy for me to fall down in the dumps to use a cliche.  I really have to work at it and sometimes from the outside first and my attitude towards the day will change.

Every day I am on this earth is a privilege and I have to treat it as such.  I really matter to the one above so I have to give him the respect due and treat each day that the Lord brings me as a gift.  It really is.

You can never run out of love.  You can become drained, physically tired and feel as if you have nothing more to give but those things are under your control.

The well to draw from is infinite.  Love is God.  As long as you continue to tap the source you will never run out of love to give to others.  The powers of the Almighty have no restraints.

I have to qualify that.  Jesus, God, Jehovah however you want to call Him gives us free will.  And that means sometimes our ability to love others is blocked.  But you can always return to the source.  It is always your choice.

There is no one way.  There is but there isn’t.  View your salvation with fear and trembling.  Those words straight out of the Bible indicate not one person can tell you exactly how to find the Master (and follow His will).

So many people try.  It is futile.  Somehow you need to listen to that tiny voice only you can hear.  Love is infinite.  And the Source’s powers are infinite so draw upon them.  Listen to your tiny voice so easily buried.

Humans are masters of deception.  I am not telling you what to believe but to seek Him.  He is the only source of true strength.  The only bottomless well to draw love from.  So seek Him.  You will never run out of love.