Things really don’t matter.  When it comes down to it, material possessions don’t matter.  Sure, we ought to take care of them when we are here on this earth.  We can’t take them with us when we die.

So what really matters if it is not things?  And what is really left when the Lord takes us?  The love we have shared with one another.  The memory others have of us after we go.

So why do we spend so little time on developing our relationships with others while we are here?

I do not really have an answer to that.  Except our priorities seem to be skewed.  When everything is taken from us what is left even when we can’t get around so well as often happens when we get up there in age?

Maybe the time and love we have shared with others and spent developing during our lifetime.  Our roots with one another.  Why do some people spend so little time on that?!  I am as guilty as others.

In poor countries with a lot less than we have some people appear to be a lot happier then we are surrounded by wealth.  It is just some food for thought.

Happiness is not commensurate with wealth otherwise Americans would be at the top of the list.  And they are not.

Why do we care so much about things?!  You can not take your material possessions with you when your time comes.  It says in the Bible ‘from dust you come and to dust you shall return’.

I am as guilty as anyone of this.  My music, my writings and journals and books are far too important to me.  Yet when my appointed hour comes, I can no longer hang on to any of these things.

Why do we act as if we can take our possessions with us when we die?  We try up till the last moment to retain some control of our most valuable possessions.  We make wills.

The fact still remains we can’t take them with us.  Wouldn’t it make more sense to invest in the things that really have more lasting effects?  Wouldn’t it make more sense to invest time while you are on earth in relationships–your immediate family, your friends, your kids?

Once you are gone all people have are their memories of you, the love and care you have demonstrated toward them.  You can have far reaching effects if you have invested time and love in others while you were on this earth.  People you have loved have memories of you long after you are gone.

Far too many people do not invest time in others.  They spend their whole life in accumulating things.  No one remembers how hard you worked in your lifetime.  They remember the love you have demonstrated toward them.  So before it is too late, do something about it.  Examine your priorities.  You have one life.