Why you should not count the days until…  You miss too much.  You can’t focus on the now.  You can but you have to be very careful you do not lose the moment, what is happening right in front of you.

Your best times are always now so look around, pay attention.  Enjoy your present situation.  It will only come once.  Then it is gone forever.

Don’t be like the ostrich whose neck is buried in the ground.  Soak in the present moment fully.  If you want to visualize a better future fine but don’t miss the present.  You may find out the future you have put off never comes.  So don’t count your days until…

The best time of your life is now.  Thank the Lord for today.  It is all you have.  You have to thank the Almighty for every breath He gives you and not take your days for granted.

Don’t linger too long in your tomorrows.  If you fixate on your future, your present will escape you.  You will miss everything for your head will be in the future.

The beauty and wonder around you will pass you by.  It is there every day.  You can not see it if your head either lingers too long in the past or all you can do is imagine your future.  Life will pass you by.  The present will become your past too quickly.

Somehow there needs to be a balance:  you have to have some idea how your past impacts you (so you don’t continually repeat it) and have some expectation where you might be heading and at the same time enjoy what is happening around you.

It is always a balancing act.  Don’t be like the ostrich with its head in the sand always–either stuck in the past or in your future.

Learn to be aware of your life unfolding with (???) and without you.  It is there.  You just have to open your eyes and see what is unraveling right in front of you–your life today.  So don’t get stuck.