Flowers are here today and gone tomorrow.  I was watching the tulips come up for a few weeks.  The row of tulips were planted last year.  Yesterday some of them opened and one was already past the peak.  Maybe, that is why we love flowers so much.  Their beauty only lasts a short time.  Other daffodils are opening now.  They did not get as much sun as the others.  I want to go out and examine and view them more carefully.  They are all different.  Isn’t that something?  God made each plant like a snowflake–no two exactly alike.  And if I pass too quickly I miss their uniqueness.  I have to slow down.  Maybe, that is what natures forces us to do–slow down and notice what is before us for it will disappear in a blink of an eye.

“Thou Shall Not Covet’ is one of the ten commandments.  There is a reason for that.  It only makes us unhappy to covet.  There is less and more in this world.  No two people have the exact possessions (or talents for that matter).  Coveting what someone has be what it may only gets in the way.

To be satisfied with what one has brings peace of mind.  Each person is a snowflake with an unique set of qualities (and possessions).  It is our gift to enjoy what God brings to us including the most precious of all our gifts–our time.

There is always more and less in this world.  That is the way it always has been.  We are commanded to share what we have with the less fortunate.  And it is a sin when we don’t.  Hoarding is always wrong.  When you see someone in need and you walk away and it was in your power to help that person, you have done something wrong.

Coveting only brings you discontent.  And being satisfied with what the Lord has given you brings you peace of mind.  That is why ‘Though Shall Not Covet’ is one of the ten commandments.