Insisting your relationship be fifty fifty creates problems.  First of all the give and take in a relationship is seldom equal.  Consider it like a pendulum:  sometime one gives more and sometimes it is the other.

And sometimes it is just one sided.  Often due to bad health.  The commitment you made said for better or worse or in sickness or health.

Of course when the giving is always one sided problems arise.  I am convinced that God created woman just to teach man how to love.  There is always a flow back and forth.

When you insist it be tit for tat it is not love.  Each person gives what they can.  And sometimes we do not appreciate one another.  That is when most problems come about.  And then one brings out the score sheet.

Relationships are always in a state of flux.  Insisting it be fifty fifty all the time does not recognize this reality and creates major problems–resentment by one party being one.

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One Response to “Insisting Your Relationship Be Fifty Fifty Creates Major Problems”

  1. Cat Woods Says:

    I’m guessing that you are in a very healthy relationship right now. Your take on them sounds like mine. There is no tit for tat, only love and support and an ever changing myriad of newness.

    RL has been time consuming and I apologize for not being as vigilent. Next week I’ll be out and not commenting at all. However, I’ll catch up when I get back. Until then, take care!