It was one small thing:  my dirty socks were sometimes inside out but finally she started complaining about it for she did the laundry and had to make them right side out.  Finally I made sure the dirty socks I placed on the dryer were right side in.

It was a small thing but marriage is composed of many small acts.  Things you work out between you.  And every marriage is different.  It was important to her that I not place my dirty socks inside out on the dryer so I did it.  Little things matter.

I forget sometimes to close cabinet doors and that drives my wife crazy.  She calls me careless.  I do not do it deliberately.  Nevertheless, I get chastised by my other for doing that.

I usually have two or more things on my mind at one time.  It is amazing I close any but I do for she complains.  She insists after I use the toaster and toaster oven I pull the plug.  I do, but every once in awhile I forget.  And then get yelled at for it.

Every marriage is really composed of many small things you work out between the two of you.  She does the checkbook for she has to balance it to the penny.  I would write in the register and make small errors and it would take her hours to locate them so I no longer write in the register.

It drove me nuts that our tax returns were always late.  I once asked her about it and it seems that her Dad’s returns were always late.  My parent’s were always on time.  Marriage is composed of myriad details you work out one by one.  Even making sure the dirty socks are not inside out.  She does the laundry.