Coco is cute, her six inch bone is hanging from her mouth.  She is outside and no other dog was going to get it.  She is guarding her bone.  I gave out two bones last night and you can bet if she releases her bone in the yard she will remember exactly where she left it.  Sometimes our four dogs play musical chairs with the bones but often Coco will dash out in the yard only with the bone firmly in her mouth.  No one else is going to get it.

My Dogs Like Broccoli

Author: siggy

My four dogs like broccoli.  Pax, our big Rottweiler mix stood there lapping up the broccoli juice from the pan til it was gone.  Tilla was kind of funny.  He started to eat a piece his (???), spit it out and then had a second thought about the taste and then ate it keeping it down this time.  The other two also had some broccoli remains from dinner.  Our dogs like veges–at least broccoli.

It was amazing to me that neither of their two dogs flinched when it was thundering while they were both lying on the couch.  During a thunderstorm all four dogs of mine crowded in the bathroom with my wife–over three hundred pounds of dogs–and it is a small bathroom.  All four dogs of ours get very nervous during thunderstorms.  They pant heavily and during the night my wife had to close the door to the bedroom during a storm otherwise she would get no sleep.

I think Tilla is being amusing and also likes to make me laugh. Sometimes when I call my four dogs in he will be last. He will trot toward me and stop about twenty feet from me and immediately roll on his back as if to say, “Rub my belly. Then I will come in!” He knows I stopped doing that a long time ago. I simply refuse to do that any longer just so he obeys me and comes in when I call him. I come to the conclusion he is being silly and simply likes to make me roar when he does that. Even dogs have a sense of humor. He is not trying to be difficult. He just wants to make me laugh.

Last night Cool Hand Luke, my black cat came up to me in bed, arched her back to greet me in bed and got stroked and then settled down in the corner of the bed catercorner to me.  She is one of the three black animals who join me in my bedroom every night.

The other two are dogs:  Coco unusually sleeps to one side of the bed and sometimes Tilla is at the base of the bed unless my wife did not join me right away.  Then he will sleep on the bed to the left of me within reach of me.  This is their routine every night.  Sometimes there are more animals in my room.

Buttons, one of my cats hides under the bed and sometimes in the middle of the night there will be a scuffle between Buttons and Cool Hand Luke.  The two don’t like each other.  Other animals sometimes join us, too like Sweetie and Pax our other dogs.  It is hard sometimes not to step on a dog if you have to leave the room to use the john in the middle of the time (???).

And if there is a thunderstorm during the night all you can hear is the panting of the dogs and sometimes two or three jump on the bed.  I know it is a king sized bed but all our dogs are midsized and crowd us when that happens not to say anything about keeping us awake with their loud panting.  They simply are scared of the thunder and usually have to be kicked out of the room so we can sleep.  Thankfully thunderstorms only happen occasionally in the middle of the night.

A pet’s love is nothing you can earn.  Sure, you can feed it and give it water.  Nevertheless they have their own ways and proclivities.  I don’t know why Cheyenne, one of my cats, usually goes in the opposite direction when I approach him but he does.  Each animal has their own personality and likes and dislikes.  Tilla, one of my black dogs, and I have a special relationship.  When he wants a hug, he puts his paws and chest on me when I am sitting–all eighty pounds of him.

Some of my seven cats ignore me.  Buttons is one.  He is about as wild as you can be and still be an indoor cat.  He is also another that goes the opposite direction when I approach him.  Catching him to take to the vet is near impossible.  He is a tiger looking cat and we have two of them.  The other appropriately called Tiger will let me pet him.  Cool hand Luke is the last animal I brought into this marriage and he is the closest cat I have to being mine.  He usually sleeps on our bed.  The other three dogs we have are all different.

Pax loves bread and is a thief.  Don’t leave your bagel unattended.  Coco will appear at your lap if you are eating anything crunchy and demand her share.  Sweetie does have a lovable nature.  And she is a golden retriever.  She will insist on you giving you her (???) attention.  She is almost needy and probably gets lost in the mix of dogs.  If she was the only dog, she would get more attention but she is not.  I have not even talked about all the cats.  We have five others–all unique.  China is an exotically black and white colored cat, who is one laid back cat.  Her mom Jasmine is a diminutive, demure cat who holds her own with all the other cats.  There is nothing you can do to earn their love.  Sure you feed them.  They either like you or don’t.

“Coco”, our full grown mutt was cute.  Yesterday I handed out two big bones to our four dogs.  They usually play musical chairs with them.  “Coco” had one clutched to her chest sitting in the living room on the Lazy Boy chair.  She is a female and the least aggressive of our four.  Later on she moved to the other Lazy Boy chair in the office.  I just had to smile looking at her still clutching her bone right under her chest.  She is the most private of our four dogs.  She was going to make sure no one got that bone.  It was hers.

“Tilla”, one of our four dogs must have cut through the leash again.  He does not forget:  at least twice when he was he younger he was punished by my wife by being put on a leash for hours tied to the table.  We now only had one good leash left.  Four leather ones he had chewed through.  I temporarily had the leash tied to the post for I was treating all four dogs for being sprayed by a skunk.  After I lathered the solution on them I had to rinse it off.  They would never stand for that so I had to have them tied down while I was spraying them with the hose.  I had left the leash tied to the post and forgot about it.  He didn’t.  I simply had to laugh.  He did it again.

The latest crisis was a skunk in our yard.  Our four dogs were harassing it and producing a racket.  My wife screamed “Get the dogs in!”  They all came in immediately.  She said one of the dogs was sprayed in the mouth.  “Pax” threw up twice in our living room.  Meanwhile my wife called the police, then the game commission (was busy with deer season) and someone else who gets rid of animals for a living.  Of course, she had to leave a message on their machine.  The next thing she called “Bark Of The Town”, who usually grooms our dogs, for an emergency appointment.  He told us what to do but he no longer cleans dogs sprayed by skunks.

Having pets is a privilege, especially my four dogs.  They do not know anything but to love and accept you.  They do not ask you what degrees you possess.  Sure each dog is an individual.  And they each have their own personality.  All you have to do is take care of them, make sure they have food and water and of course love them.  They do not know anything to do but to love you back.  They don’t care how much money you have.  They just love.  They do not disguise their feelings like many humans do.  If you call their name, they just wag their tail.  I am graced by them and maybe in a subsequent blog will talk at more length about each one.  They are a privilege.

I want to count my blessings.  It is so easy to center on what I call my “lack”.  I am so blessed–materially and all kinds of ways that have nothing to do with things.  I have a wife who loves me.  And all kinds of other people who are glad to see me.  And I have a history with them.  My four dogs and even my cats who really do not pay much attention to me but I appreciate them nevertheless.  My life is not perfect but then, again, whose is?  Of course, this is a short and incomplete list.  I can go on and on but I won’t.  I am just glad to be home.

All I Could Do Was Dust

Author: siggy

All I could do was dust.  And listen to some music to counter my dark mood (the latest “Sugarland” CD).  Dusting is a mindless task.  In this house there is no lack of dust:  we have four dogs and seven cats.  Dusting is an unending job in this house.  In the process I changed a light bulb.  At least, I kept moving.  That is a good thing.  When I am depressed I don’t feel like doing that.  It can’t hurt.  And I may go on to something else after dusting.  Let us see what is going to happen next.