Spring Is On Its Way

Author: siggy

Spring is on its way. I heard someone in the bank say, ‘Today is going to be the hottest day of the year.’ I keep checking the bed of daffodils on the side of the house. Today a third clump was peeking its way through the earth. I still see no sign of the crocuses in our yard. The ten day weather forecast indicates we will get some more cold temperatures but the end of the winter is in sight.

We actually had a Gerbera daisy bloom in our house today–an orange one. It was winter time. We had brought in two plants before it became cold. And one decided to bloom. One had never done that before. The orange flower is a harbinger of spring. We are in the middle of a “heatwave”: it will hit forty for at least five days. I am praying all our snow and ice melts so we don’t pray for our life every time we walk the forty feet to our cars.

Today was the earliest time of the year I have ever seen a robin in this area. Three weeks before spring. And most of the land was still snow covered. First I saw the back of one fly away and I was not completely sure it was a robin. A few seconds later I spotted the tell-tale red breast of an another robin. And minutes later I spotted in one spot at least ten robins congregating in some bare spots. There is no mistaking their hip hop. The robins are going to be in trouble: the weather forecast is for another snowstorm in two days. I don’t know what they are going to eat.

It was three weeks to spring. There was no end of winter in sight. It was zero degrees when I checked the computer this morning and the ten day forecast was not encouraging: twenties and thirties highs. It definitely was not seasonable weather. Abnormally cold.

It is one day minus four weeks to spring.  My countdown has started.  It has been a little warmer for a few days but the temperature is going down again.  I keep checking the ten day forecast but it does not bode much relief from the cold.  Not yet anyway.  And there might be more snow on the horizon.  Will this winter ever end?

It is one day minus five weeks to spring.  All I see is snow.  And it feels like the cold will never leave us.  In the next ten days there will be five days where it will be in the forties, then thirties again.  It will warm up again.  Our one car is snowbound.  Let us see how long it takes for the snow to melt.  At least, I got the other car out.  Spring will come.  It just does not feel that way now.

It is beyond the halfway point of winter.  Spring, in fact, is next month.  I checked the ten day forecast.  At best, the temperature is a degree or two above freezing.  Our car got stuck on the ice trying to back out.  A neighbor spent over an half an hour shoveling the ice under my car. (bless his help)  Finally we got the car out.  It seems as winter will go on forever.  There is no end in sight.

We are in the second week of winter now.  I will forget about the countdown sometimes.  Other times I will do the math.  It is a game for me.  We are in for some frigid temperatures.  Single teens.  I am wondering whether we will face any big snow storms.  We will see.  We are in the middle of winter.  There is no doubt about it now.  My periodic countdown is a way I have of marking the end of that season and awaiting spring.  As you can tell I am not too thrilled with the cold weather.  I just bear it and make sure I am properly dressed for the day.

We are in the middle of a minor four day heatwave.  Yesterday was the first day of official winter.  It was in the low fifties, today it will hit the low sixties.  Tomorrow will be in the low fifties.  Then cold again.  At least when I start my countdown to spring it is only one season I have to count down.  Today I will just enjoy the weather.  And the unusually mild temperatures.

I don’t think the primrose will survive the winter.  We are in the middle of an extended freeze.  The last two years they never died and bloomed through out the winter.  That was somewhat unusual.  As hardy as they are they will not make it this time.  It has been too cold, for too long.  They will come up, again, in early spring and bloom then.

I Just Want To Stay In

Author: siggy

I just want to stay in:  it is thirty-seven degrees with a wind and cold.  Fall is already half over and then winter hits–how discouraging.  I will try to have enough clothing on when I go out and just bear it.  Before I know it, it will be spring.  At least, I like to delude myself that is true.

I Just Wanted To Be In

Author: siggy

I just wanted to be in.  I dashed out for a quick errand and noted the temperature outside was forty degrees according to my car thermometer.  The clouds were stormy and dark–snow clouds.  I guess the cold weather is here for good.  All I want to do is hibernate and only go out when it is necessary.  Next spring and summer seems an eternity away.