I saw my first baby groundhog.  In fact, there were four of them and they were scurrying to vanish into the undergrowth.  They were tiny–maybe six inches long.  I spotted then on my way home.  I never know exactly what I will see driving home.  Sometimes it is a wild turkey, a fawn or doe.  I never know.  It is usually when I am not paying attention.  I am on the edge of country.

A catbird was having a tug of war with a four inch piece of straw on the ground and lost the battle.  It then disappeared through the fence under a large bush.  Catbirds have had nests in that gigantic bush before.  I will keep an eye open for it and its nest and babies.  A Carolina wren must also have a nest somewhere near.  I saw it alight on top of our fence and beautifully sing out its distinct call.  I have not spotted its nest yet.  Last year it had a nest in one of our flowering baskets hanging from the garage door.  I will keep my eyes open for both of those birds.

Tilla likes to make us laugh.  He hopped on the head of the bed while my wife was in the bathroom.  And we looked at him calling his name and his tail went thump, thump, thump.  He would not move.  We do have a king sized bed and my wife slept to the right side of him because there was more room there and I slept to the left side of him cheek to cheek with my right hand draped around him.  He is an eighty pound dog.  You would think he knows enough to sleep at our feet on the bed but this was not about sleeping.  This was about making us laugh.

Coco Is A Real Lady

Author: siggy

Coco is a long haired eighty pound dog completely black with a splash of white on her throat.  She is a real lady.  When she wants a belly rub, she will raise her leg slowly and demurely to indicate it.  She will sit there crossing her front legs real lady-like.  At the moment she is the only one outside.  She likes her privacy.  She is out cradling her bone.  No one is going to get it.  She knows our bedroom routine and almost every night is found lying on one side of the bed.  She is extremely gentle although when she gets excited she will “mouth” you although she has never bitten anyone.  She is one sweet dog.  Sweetie, her Mom, always defers to her (and her brother Tilla).  Her Mom does not have one aggressive bone in her body.  Her Mom is a golden retriever so Coco’s gentle nature is not that surprising although Coco can be quite insistent when she wants to go out–a quality her Mom would never have.

Pax is a Rottweiler mix, one scary ninety pound dog.  He is twelve and most of the time has this bemused expression in his face.  Tilla, his son, loves to tease him.  He will have a bone in his mouth and run alongside him cheek to cheek eliciting warning barks from him.  Tilla know how far to tease him.  I really got mad at Pax the other day.  I bought our favorite crusty rye bread and broke off a piece.  I was not paying close attention for a second or two, temporarily laid it on the ground and Pax swiped it.  I was going to grab it out of his mouth but my other dissuaded me from doing that.  I was pissed.  He did it again.  He is a great bagel thief too.  Don’t lay one nearby:  he will grab it so quickly you will never see him do it.  He is getting a little crotchety.  He has his favorite spot in the yard–in one corner and will bark at anyone who has the temerity to pass nearby.  He is not really mean.  He just looks the part.  He is one dog I never want to get loose.

Coco is cute, her six inch bone is hanging from her mouth.  She is outside and no other dog was going to get it.  She is guarding her bone.  I gave out two bones last night and you can bet if she releases her bone in the yard she will remember exactly where she left it.  Sometimes our four dogs play musical chairs with the bones but often Coco will dash out in the yard only with the bone firmly in her mouth.  No one else is going to get it.

These were the two who were not chosen.  There were six in our litter.  And we sold four–two each to two separate men.  Our dogs, Pax and Sweetie, had a litter–their only one.  And I did not have the heart to tell my wife to sell any of the two remaining pups and separate them.  One turned out to be a real sweet heart– Coco a long haired female with the cutest fluffy black ears.  The other one was a rascal but one smart and athletic dog–Tilla.  His original name was Atilla the Hun.  He was the only one of four who could jump the fence we built a year later, which necessitated building it even higher.  Before the fence was built we had another problem:  he could let himself out the front door:  he learned how to pop open the front latch and then we had to chase him all over the neighborhood every time we forgot to lock the front door.  Anyway, God in his wisdom made them perfect choices for us.  So you never know.  Both of them were, by the way, black like all of rest of the litter.

Sometimes depression dissipates when you get going.  I was somewhat depressed.  I started doing some straightening up in my house.  An hour later I realized it had left me.  It helps sometimes to get physically moving.  I forgot about my depression.

One chipmunk discovered the birdseed strewn on the ground and was helping himself to it.  I don’t know exactly why but I love watching them.  Later on he climbed up the tree and was ten feet up.  Usually you only see them on the ground.  Let us see if he comes back now.  He does not have to work too hard to feed himself.  I sprinkle bird seed on the ground every day or two.

I get gas usually at the same station.  He pumps my gas and I don’t even have to leave my car.  This owner is a dying breed.  It is his gas station.  Customer service matters.  It always matters.  And part of the problem with big corporations there is always another customer but I tell you even there customer service matters.  Word of mouth always gets around if you were mistreated.  Customer service always matters.

I was in the bedroom and Tilla three times jumped on my bed.  Twice I shooed him away.  It was his exuberant way of greeting me and being petted.  Yes, he left some paw prints.  It had been raining.  It was such a small price to pay.  I wish some of my friends were that openly affectionate.  His paw prints will wash out.

I am convinced God, the Almighty whatever name you chose to call “The Higher Power” created marriage for only one reason — to teach one another how to love.  Each human is very much flawed.

And we are all sinners.  The vows say for better or worse for a reason.  Sometimes we get sick.  And each of us know we will not make it out alive in this world.

Each person is flawed.  A marriage exposes those flaws you possess to your fellow partner.  And somehow you need to work out your differences.  Forgiveness is the glue that makes it all work.  If you don’t forgive your mate at the end of the day, bitterness sets in.

We need a clean slate at the beginning of each day.  Learning to love one unconditionally frees the other.  A marriage forces you to learn how to love properly another human being.  And tests us like nothing else.

Sure, God created Eve for Adam was alone but nevertheless they both were very flawed when they came out of the Garden.  Both of them now faced sin (and their very flawed nature).  Marriage forces you to love in a way no other institution does.