The pansies went out into the yard despite the snow storm.  They had to get some sunlight and I promised I would put them in the garage after dusk.  Calling this a snow storm is stretching it a bit.  We are supposed to get, maybe, three inches of snow total in this spring snow storm.  The pansies my wife just bought could tolerate a little cold.  In fact, they don’t like warm temperatures.

I was watching the robin swallow the five inch worm.  The bird could not do it right away.  It took a few tries before it completely swallowed the whole thing.  It was snowing and there was a large bare patch under the pine tree under which it dug up the worm.  Later on I saw another robin foraging under the tree.  They must have a hard time when it snows to do that.  This is another spring snow storm.

I just put out a fresh suet cake for the birds and a white breasted nuthatch found it within seconds.  That amazed me:  that a bird would find it so quickly.  I wonder what keen senses birds must possess to locate food.  Is it smell or sight or was it just coincidence that the bird found the suet cake so quickly.  It could be habit.  I regularly put suet out for the birds, particularly for the woodpeckers.  I just wonder about that.

Cellphones give you the illusion true communication is actually occurring.  All you are doing is only exchanging pure information.  In fact, the present generation is nervous about face-to-face contact with others.  It is easy to deceive someone on the phone.  9/10 of communication is non-verbal.  With everyone so connected you would think the world is getting along better but it is not.  There are more wars occurring around the world then ever.  Cellphones give you the illusion you are truly communicating with someone.  But you are not.  Communication with someone is the hardest thing in the world.  Cellphones have not made that easier.  The paradox is that it is even harder now.  Not easier.  But harder.

We have become dependent on cell phones.  I remember a few years ago we were having a family reunion at a park somewhat equidistant from one sister and our house.  I remember my other sister expressing some reservations about meeting there:  she was concerned about getting cell phone reception there.  Almost everyone has a cell phone today and check it constantly.  Most people can’t conceive going anywhere with out.  In fact, others get somewhat nervous and anxious when they don’t have one with them or they are in a “‘dead” zone and have no reception.  All you have to do is go to a mall:  most of the teenagers have their cell phone glued to their ears as they walk around and shop afraid they will miss something.  I think it is downright impolite to be sitting at a restaurant and the person with you takes a call.

Three of them were in:  “Tilla” was the only dog out.  Three times I urged him to come in and three times he turned over on his back to demand a belly rub.  I ignored him all three times.  Finally he “trotted in” so we were able to leave the house.  All four dogs had gone out and now were in.

It is four days into spring and I am still wearing my insulated undershirt and underwear.  I know warmer temperatures are coming but I am impatient.  It still feels like winter.  I will know winter has finally gone when I turn off, for now, the heat in my office and when I go back to wearing shorts and tee shirts the cold weather is finally gone and summer has come for good.  Every year I go through the same cycle (as far as the clothing I routinely wear).  I just wish I would get there sooner.

I don’t want more things to come into my house, that is cluttered enough; although we have made much progress.  I am as responsible as my wife for more things coming into my house.  There is always another book or another piece of music to purchase.  When both of us go, someone will have a massive job to clear the house.  I mentioned this to my wife and she did not seem concerned about this.  We have made much progress in decluttering our house.  It seems a losing battle.  I really have to determine (in our will) what truly is important.  To me it is my journals and poems.  I don’t know what things my wife wants to bequeath if anything.  Right now we have a menagerie (seven cats and four dogs) but they are starting to get up in age, particularly, the cats, where the youngest one is nine years old.  I am sure my wife would want them to go to a good home if any animals were left when both of us are gone.  You never know how much time you have.  And death may come suddenly.  You never know.

“Pax”, our big ninety pound dog, likes to hear his own voice.  He will lumber out into our yard barking every step of the way until he reaches the far end and then make sure no one can pass our yard without him commenting.  As I said, he likes the sound of his own voice.  He is the most vocal of our four dogs.  And also the elder.  All four dogs will run out into the yard to do their business.  And he will do it right away and shortly after will bark in front of the entrance demanding we let him into the house immediately.  If he needs to go out, he will come to me and make sure he is heard because my wife would not respond to him as quickly.  He has no patience.

I have to dress as if this day is important discarding the sweats I usually slip on after I awake and put on clothes I would not mind anyone to see me in.  Despite my depression.  It matters.  Eventually the depression will lift.  And knowing you took the care to really start the day makes a difference, which means showering, putting clean clothing on, brushing your teeth, etc.  All that affects your attitude to face the rest of the day.  Working from the outside in.

It occurred to me I did not not know the name of the ubiquitous gull that is always on the river.  It was common but that did not matter.  I am going to try to memorize its distinct marking beyond the color white and identify it in one of my bird books.  It is time I learn its particular name.

It was the second day of spring but it felt like winter.  I checked the car thermometer and it registered 27 degrees.  Brr!  Nevertheless the daffodils are still coming up as well as other flowers like the lilies and tulips.  Maybe in two weeks it will act as spring.  I checked the ten day forecast and the temperatures each day were still low.