Things really do not make you happy.  They really don’t.  The only thing that does is love.  The people who are in your life whom you love.  I just came back from NYC where I met my sister and her husband briefly.  We went to an outstanding art museum (and NY is full of them).  First we had lunch or should I say brunch in an outstanding bagel shop.  I had something that is almost impossible to get in Pa–a good salt bagel.  I had come a long distance on Amtrak for this rendezvous to spend some time with my family or at least part of my family.  Then we walked around and viewed art in a nearby museum.  I was amazed how quickly I became tired.  After an hour and an half we sat and ate at the restaurant in the museum.  It was more to rest than to eat.  I was glad to see my sister and her husband.  They were in from California.  My family this year threw me a birthday party.  I can’t remember the last one thrown by my family.  It was my sister’s idea.  I did see the rest of my family that day at least my other sister and her husband.  I no longer remember whether my nephew was there and his wife.  I think they were.  It was a perfect day.  I will not forget it for awhile.  I did see my nephew (and his wife) on this trip to NY.  The train ride was fun.

Do not be afraid of rejection and reach out to others.  You will be blessed beyond measure.  There are always hurting people around you and not every person will respond to you.  Accept that fact.

Reach out to others in small ways.  A person always remembers small kindnesses.  So reach out to others.

You will be rewarded in love far beyond your imagination and your belief.  Never stop reaching out.

This is all I learned and want to pass on.  Never be afraid of your rejections.

Learn to love.  You will never be disappointed.  People always respond to kindness even if it is not acknowledged.  The person noticed even if she/he did not respond to you.  They noticed I guarantee you.

So never stop reaching out to others.  Your love is infinite.

And that which is returned.  Love is the only thing that matters in this world.

It is always there.  So, again, I say reach out to others around you.  You might may even entertain an angel.

Church is composed of people–other very flawed human beings.  The only thing a church can do is to demonstrate the love of God although it is not the church who does that.  It is really individuals who demonstrate love.  It is always done one on one.  Jesus taught his disciples one on one.  In fact He did more than that:  He transmitted love.  Your talk does not matter if love is not demonstrated in your life.  Truth is not enough.  Ultimately each person wants to be loved.  That is the only way one truly can find out about the all encompassing love of Jesus–not from the church but through individuals who chose to love the people God puts in front of them.  Thus, I hate religions who over and over claim to know the only way.  There is only one way you can find about the love of God–through contact with an individual who lets the love of God flow through his/her spirit and chooses to love the very flawed people who He puts in his way.  Love is the only thing that matters.  Forgiveness is embodied in love.  He died for you.  Only you.  And only another individual can transmit that to you.