Give us today our daily bread.  The prayer we give every day is God satisfies our daily needs.  This is illustrated by one of Jesus’ parables.  A farmer had a great crop and he built a gigantic store house.  And Jesus came to him and called him a fool.  Jesus informed him his time has come.  You don’t have to stock up.  He will take care of us every day.  And it is a day at a time. That should be our prayer:  He fulfills all our physical needs a day at a time.  Each day you face.

There is nothing I can do but pray.  My daughter is in a bad way, has been for awhile.  I feel helpless.  I know what she can use but I have no idea how she is going to get it.  I want to help, but I can’t easily.  I can just be there when and if she comes to me.  All I can do is pray.  I know in my own life things did not turn around until I hit bottom.  She is close and I can’t help her.  The only thing I can do is get on my knees.  That is the only thing I can do:  get on my knees.

Joy Is Gratitude

Author: siggy

Joy is gratitude.  It is looking at your life and every aspect of it and thanking the Lord for every simple thing He has given you.  Sometimes it is others you need to give a simple “thank you”.  God works through other people all the time.  Don’t take any gift you have for granted.  As well as all the simple pleasures that come your way.  Joy is gratitude and thanking the Lord for the simplest gifts He has given you.  He has given your life.  And every morning you wake up you need to thank Him for every breath you take.  Get in the habit of thanking others and the Almighty for every single gift.  Life is composed of myriad details.  And prayerfully thank someone for every detail of your life–every pleasure-every thing.  He does not owe you anything.  And He usually gives us abundance.  Don’t be an ungrateful taker.  Thank Him for every detail of your life.  Joy will always follow gratitude.

‘Give us each day our daily bread.’ (from the Lord’s Prayer) (in the New Testament).  We are to pray that each day Jesus will give us what we need.  We have to take one day at a time.  And do not look too far ahead.

Yes, God will provide for our needs.  One day at a time.  We have to deal with each day as it comes.  That is all we can pray for–each day that the Lord gives us.  Each day is a gift.  Food and shelter; that is all He promises us.  And He does that a day at a time.  That is how we have to pray–each day at a time.  ‘Give us each day our daily bread.’

It was only a set of keys, including my car keys.  I could not remember where I put them down.  I was pretty sure they were in the house.  I looked high and low for several hours and could not find them.

I was sure I must have left them in a spot I normally do not keep them.  I probably had them in my hands and dropped them somewhere I normally wouldn’t.  I looked upstairs and downstairs, even outside.  No luck.

It was a small thing but it was driving me a little crazy.  The worst possible scenario was I would have to replace them.  My wife had duplicate keys.  I was sure I would come across them when I stopped looking for them.  I just could not understand how I could misplace them.

PS  I finally gave up.  My wife prayed and started to help me look.  She first looked in the car.  I had told her that I’d taken out the trash, so she checked there, and spotted them in the bottom of one garbage can.  Thank God:  the trash was being picked up tomorrow.  I was relieved.  It is funny how a small thing like misplacing your keys can throw for a loop and cause you to become disheveled and completely disturb your day.

Again and again you have to return to your center.  Your center is what drives you–down deep inside–your mission statement.  Your center is not something you can keep forever.

You have to return to it over and over.  It is so easy to become “lost”.  There are so many things that can distract you–divert your attention.

In order to return to your center one has to be quiet.  ‘Be still and know I am God’, Proverbs in the Bible says.

The only way you can find your true center is to stop–be quiet long enough to prayerfully, thoughtfully determine what truly matters in your life.

In fact that is what the Sabbath was designed for–to stop your routine–to be quiet to get off your treadmill and reevaluate your life to make sure what you do truly fulfills your mission.

This whole discussion, of course, assumes you have found your center–your driving force.  Finding your center is really another discussion.

The point is is you continually have to stop periodically to find your center again.  It is so easy to get off track.  Being still gives you the opportunity to get back on track again.  And it has to be done over and over.

I was depressed today: I went to a nephrologist yesterday. My kidney function is worst than I thought–28 per cent function. There are some things in my control: I can restrict my salt intake, lower my cholesterol and keep an eye on my blood pressure. Anyway, I walked out of that office depressed and stayed there the next morning.

I have to make a conscious decision. Either God is in control of my life (or He isn’t). If He is, I have to do my part, then I can relax in his Arms. I have to remind myself God is always in control.

He will take care of me. My time is His time. It is not really up to me when He will take me to Heaven. I have to pray He will take care of me, He is always in control. No matter what happens. My time here is always short. Our lives are but a vapor. Maybe, if I can keep those ideas in mind and pray constantly, my depression will eventually lift. After all I belong to Him.