Every person has a different cross to bear.  In Paul’s case (from the New Testament) it was his ‘thorn in the flesh’ God would not remove despite his fervent prayers.  Sometimes prayers will resolve a situation or physical infirmity but sometimes not.  His answer is, “No.”  Every person has something different to deal with.  Sometimes, also, we create our own hell.  And sometimes it is not our fault.  It is our unique situation.  It could be fractured relationships.  Maybe, a mom or dad or sibling or friend or mate.  We can not even compare ourselves to someone else.  That really does not help.  Everyone has problems.  That is the way it is.  Every person has a different cross to bear.  It is really out of our hands.  All you can do is pray.  And change what is in your power to change.  And leave the rest up to Him.  Everything is by grace.

Sometimes the answer (from God) Is No.  No matter how badly we want the answer to be yes.  We don’t understand why we suffer.  Often there is just silence.  And other times it is a definite No.  Otherwise He would be just this person who we just ask to do this or that.  His purposes are beyond our understanding.  He does choose to heal.  But not in every instance.  Even Paul prayed that God take away his ‘thorn in his flesh’.  And He didn’t.  If you ask the question why, there is often no answer.  And if you keep asking that question, it will only torment you.  Sometimes the answer from God is no, no matter how fervently you pray.

‘Give us each day our daily bread.’ (from the Lord’s Prayer) (in the New Testament).  We are to pray that each day Jesus will give us what we need.  We have to take one day at a time.  And do not look too far ahead.

Yes, God will provide for our needs.  One day at a time.  We have to deal with each day as it comes.  That is all we can pray for–each day that the Lord gives us.  Each day is a gift.  Food and shelter; that is all He promises us.  And He does that a day at a time.  That is how we have to pray–each day at a time.  ‘Give us each day our daily bread.’

Sometimes you just have to let things go.  It does not matter if you or your mate was right.  You have to give your mate a clean slate every day.  ‘Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath’–lines from the New Testament.

The devil uses unforgiveness to pit one mate against the other.  And we are all imperfect.  And each day each person make mistakes so it is important to let them go and start the day afresh.

There is wisdom in those lines from the Bible.  If you do not forgive the other for their failures, resentment builds and drives a wedge between you.

Forgiveness allows you to love your partner fully and with humility.  Each person knows in their heart that they are not perfect so why should you expect your partner to be otherwise?