The primrose are still alive despite the “arctic” temperatures that just passed.  The freeze lasted at least four days but the primrose were protected:  they were covered by snow during that period.  I am still waiting to see if any of them bud.  I am checking them every day.  The next few days are going to be warm–in the forties and then back to seasonable temperatures–thirties and twenties.  Primrose do like cold weather.  Let us see if they will bloom.

We are in the middle of an heat wave–twenty-nine degrees!  We were in the middle of an Arctic freeze.  There were a few days the temperature hit below zero or did not hit ten degrees the whole day. I briefly “stuck” my nose out and it felt warm for the first time in days.  I checked the ten day forecast.  There will be a few days in the forties.  I bet the “freeze” will come back.  Maybe we have seen the worst of winter.  I don’t know.  I doubt it.  A friend from New Orleans sent me warm socks, scarves, hats and other clothing to keep warm.  He had no further need for them, I guess, he is not moving to a colder clime.  No major snow storms yet.

It may be the coldest day of the winter.  It was -4 below this morning and now it is a “whopping” 3 degrees at 1:00PM.  I checked the ten day forecast.  It will warm up.  One day is supposed to hit fifty.  We will see.

We are in the second week of winter now.  I will forget about the countdown sometimes.  Other times I will do the math.  It is a game for me.  We are in for some frigid temperatures.  Single teens.  I am wondering whether we will face any big snow storms.  We will see.  We are in the middle of winter.  There is no doubt about it now.  My periodic countdown is a way I have of marking the end of that season and awaiting spring.  As you can tell I am not too thrilled with the cold weather.  I just bear it and make sure I am properly dressed for the day.

We are in the middle of a minor four day heatwave.  Yesterday was the first day of official winter.  It was in the low fifties, today it will hit the low sixties.  Tomorrow will be in the low fifties.  Then cold again.  At least when I start my countdown to spring it is only one season I have to count down.  Today I will just enjoy the weather.  And the unusually mild temperatures.

I don’t think the primrose will survive the winter.  We are in the middle of an extended freeze.  The last two years they never died and bloomed through out the winter.  That was somewhat unusual.  As hardy as they are they will not make it this time.  It has been too cold, for too long.  They will come up, again, in early spring and bloom then.

I Froze

Author: siggy

I froze.  I quickly dashed out for an errand and was glad to be back in my heated house.  Twenty-nine degrees outside.  Yes, winter has come.  Not officially for another three weeks.  The cold is here to stay.  Once winter comes I will start a countdown to spring.  Anything to relieve the cold.  I know before I know it winter will pass and spring is next.  It is all an illusion.  The cold weather is here to stay.  It is going to be a long winter.

I Just Want To Stay In

Author: siggy

I just want to stay in:  it is thirty-seven degrees with a wind and cold.  Fall is already half over and then winter hits–how discouraging.  I will try to have enough clothing on when I go out and just bear it.  Before I know it, it will be spring.  At least, I like to delude myself that is true.

I spotted my first slate-colored junco in the yard two days ago.  I guess winter and snow is on its way.  The bird’s flittering back white wings was unmistakable.  It vanished into the undergrowth of the gigantic bush.  I saw my second one today.  Last night we got a smattering of snow.  I have a friend who calls them “snow” birds so, maybe, the sighting was no accident.  They are often found in flocks so as we get more snow I may see more.  I never see them in the summer.  It is a mystery to me where they go then.

I Just Wanted To Be In

Author: siggy

I just wanted to be in.  I dashed out for a quick errand and noted the temperature outside was forty degrees according to my car thermometer.  The clouds were stormy and dark–snow clouds.  I guess the cold weather is here for good.  All I want to do is hibernate and only go out when it is necessary.  Next spring and summer seems an eternity away.

It is four days into spring and I am still wearing my insulated undershirt and underwear.  I know warmer temperatures are coming but I am impatient.  It still feels like winter.  I will know winter has finally gone when I turn off, for now, the heat in my office and when I go back to wearing shorts and tee shirts the cold weather is finally gone and summer has come for good.  Every year I go through the same cycle (as far as the clothing I routinely wear).  I just wish I would get there sooner.

It was the second day of spring but it felt like winter.  I checked the car thermometer and it registered 27 degrees.  Brr!  Nevertheless the daffodils are still coming up as well as other flowers like the lilies and tulips.  Maybe in two weeks it will act as spring.  I checked the ten day forecast and the temperatures each day were still low.