Say “Yes” when it is a simple request.  It was not how you would do it but why have a fight over it.  There is no big principle involved.  Pick your fights.  Fight over things that are worth fighting over.  Not simple things, that really do not matter in the long run.

‘We were feeling vulnerable again.’  This was stated by some nameless politician on the TV.  But it could have been uttered by almost any politician after the bombing at the Boston Marathon.  It is all rhetoric.  They don’t speak the truth.  There are no guarantees.  We live in a dangerous and unpredictable world.  It always has been.  It will happen again.  People are murdered every day by guns in the US.

It goes beyond rhetoric. ‘Malicious politicians with nefarious schemes.’  this is a line from a song.  Isn’t that the truth?  The politicians will use this incident to take away more civil liberties.  Our rights have been taken away from us one by one.  All in the name of freedom.  We will protect you from bombings and mass murderers.  The fact is those in power can’t prevent such incidents.  They lie and step by step take away our freedoms and we let them because we are scared.  And want protection, which they really can’t guarantee.  They lie and are thieves.  It is the politicians we need protection from.

There is always injustice in this world for we live in an imperfect world.  The face of it changes and evolves.  We live in a sinful world.  Each person has to decide what battles to fight.  We can’t just spin our wheel.  Each person’s time here is finite.  Injustice won’t go away.  But we can in our own way make the world a little better.  We should not (???) do the little that is in our power to do.  The seed of a mustard seed in the beginning is very tiny.  Every movement started with one person.  The power of one.  Never forget that.  The power of one.

Between fifty five and sixty five degrees I usually wear insulated underwear.  No jacket or sweater.  But insulated underwear.  It is getting warmer and soon I will switch to shorts and tee shirts when the weather will get warm and even hot.  I just don’t like being cold.

It was an unusual night for me:  all three black animals slept in my bedroom.  That is Cool Hand Luke–one of my cats and my two black dogs–Coco and Tilla who I call my “pups” since I have had those two dogs since they were pups.  Coco always sleeps in my bedroom but it was a little unusual for Tilla.  In fact, last night he, again, slept in my bedroom.  Tilla is somewhat unpredictable.  My wife calls him ‘quirky’.  Anyway, it was comforting to me for them to be in my bedroom.  I always say good night to each animal before I close my eyes by a quick pat.

Books are more important than anything in the whole world.  For what they represent.  During the dark ages monks preserved the legacy from the books.  Books contain ideas.  And ideas change the world.  That is why a free press is so important and along with a free internet.  Politicians would love to stop the free and world wide dissemination of information.  Propaganda is nothing new.  We have it in Red China.  And in every country.  And don’t kid ourselves we have it in the US.  Most politicians are great “spin doctors”.  They really do not answer to us.  It is really big business. Now the politicians here want major web sites like Facebook to routinely spy on its users and turn over the information to the government.  There is a bill in Congress to do that right now.  It is our own government we need protection from.  The fight over censorship is nothing new.

I felt bad about the Norfolk pine dying at the post office.  It was looking so full and healthy.  The postmaster neglected watering it regularly and branches starting drying up and breaking off.  When a branch does that, it is too late.  Not all of the branches were breaking off:  parts of the tree were still healthy so the tree was not beyond hope.  She was watering regularly the tree now but I remember the way it had looked and I felt sad.

Every morning I look out the window at the hummingbird feeders and expect to see a hummingbird.  But I don’t.  I am leaving for a week vacation in less than a week and wonder if my wife will see one before me.  She is staying home.

I was concerned about the small pot that had two of the five Gerbera daisies drooping.  I checked.  It did not need water.  (I checked, it did not need water.) I had stuck it in the garage overnight and the two flowers perked up.  It actually hit thirty-one degrees last night.  It was just too cold for them outside.

The mentally ill in prisons don’t get good treatment.  They use the cheapest drugs to treat them. The mentally ill in jails are disposable.  And what does that say about us?  I learned about this from a lady who spent time in jail.  They had her strapped down in a chair for days.  She went cold turkey from all her medications and convulsed.  She could have died.  She did not even belong in jail.  They made a mistake arresting her.  Her psychiatrist gave the jail hell for what they did.  Then I found out how poor treatment the mentally ill get in jails.  They don’t really care about them.  It is only now they are beginning to address the problem.  And there are more mentally ill in jails than in hospitals.  That is a travesty.

Now both of us have a senior discount at the movies.  I guess both of us are getting old.  Or should I say older.  I imagine that is one of the perks of our age.  We will take advantage of it.  Why not?

The poor are always among us.  This was a letter I wrote to a friend of mine who was doing surveys for the department of welfare and he said how could we let people live like that:

There is something important you can do about the people you visit and interview.  You can pray for them–each person and their circumstances.  You said, ‘People should not live in such poverty.’  The poor have always been among us.
Pray for each person you meet.  If you have to, make a list of the households and people you meet.  People are poor for different reasons.  Sometimes alcohol or drug abuse is involved.  Sometimes it is mental illness.  Other times it is just plain bad luck.  Someone lost a job, ran out of unemployment or a bad illness was involved and they did not have health insurance or it did not take care of their needs.
There are all kinds of reasons people live in poverty.  Pray for each person, the children or their parents you meet.  Never stop praying.
Everything is by grace.  Praise the Lord for your health, your living quarters, everything.  Everything is by grace.  Continue to pray.  Prayer can move mountains.

Your friend