Two days ago we went out and accidentally left Coco and Tilla out in the yard for hours.  They were eager to come in.  Tilla was limping on the foot he had knee surgery.  It gets sore and hurts him too much if he runs on it too much.  So he does not put any weight on it.  I checked his leg to make sure there was no apparent injury.  Today he is walking on it and only favoring slightly.  I am still going to call the vet’s office just to make sure that only happens occasionally and his knee is fine.

I have been feeding the cottontails.  Two days ago I flushed one, which was feeding on the scraps from the fresh Brussels sprouts.  Every day I put out carrots and cut up apples and they are usually gone within twenty-four hours.  I keep checking so I know this for sure.  I like watching the tuft of their tail whenever I flush them as they hop away.

I went to bed by nine thirty PM and Tilla took advantage of it immediately and crept in the Lazy Boy chair I just vacated and fell asleep.  I checked on him a little later:  he would not raise his head.  He was out for the night.  My TV room is where he goes to sleep every night.  All animals are creatures of habit.

His sister, Coco always sleeps in my bedroom in the far end of the bed at the foot of the bed.  She likes her privacy and will retire to that room if she is inside.  Other times she may be the last one in from the yard.  She is a real sweet dog and has the personality of her mother, Sweetie, the golden retriever.  Unlike her, though, she can be really insistent if she wants something, like for instance, to go out into the yard.  I have one other dog, Pax, Coco’s and Tilla’s, dad.  He is a real character but I will talk about him, again, in another time.

My dog Tilla gives me hugs–all eighty pounds of him.  Periodically he will climb on my lap keeping his rear legs on the ground and give me an hug.  I think he still thinks he is a pup.  I really do not know that for sure but he certainly is an affectionate dog.  I simply accept his hugs and make sure he does not hurt me.  He usually does not.

There were deer track in the front of the yard on the side.  Maybe, it is deer not cottontails that are eating the cut up carrots and apples I am putting out in front of the woodpile in my back yard.  Or maybe both animals.  I have seen deer tracks in my yard before but have only seen one deer in ten years on this property.  I have repeatedly seen rabbits in the backyard so I am not sure what animals are eating the carrots and apples I am putting out there.  They keep disappearing usually within twenty-four hours.

I put out two brand new hummingbird feeders.  One was small and the other was a large one. I had checked my old one I had hanging outside the large living room window and it had a layer of mold on the ends and was also leaking.  Then (???) so I put out fresh nectar in the newly bought feeders, which I hung on both sides of my sunflower feeder.  Now I want to see how long it will take before the hummingbirds come.  I did note this event in my bird journal.  I expect to see one any minute although that is probably an illusion.  I can dream any way.

There is one reason why many want to blame and target the mentally ill for travesties like Sandy Hook Elementary, where over twenty were gunned down mostly children.  It is easier.  The young man who perpetrated those murders must be crazy.  And other mass murderers like the man at Virginia Tech.  People are scared.  They want a scapegoat.  Despite the fact few of these mass murderers are even in the mental health system.  They must be crazy to have done that–gunned down and killed innocent people.  By all means strengthen the background checks to buy guns and ammo.  The fact is there is a Devil in this world and evil exists.  No one wants to face that.  Or even admit that.  It is easier to say these murderers are crazy.

And yesterday another travesty occurred at the Boston marathon.  More evil.  Many people including the FBI are trying to figure out who is responsible for that cowardly act injuring over an hundred people–some people who will never be the same again.  Two bombs were deliberately set off in a crowded area.  This dastardly act was designed to instill fear in others.  And kill innocent people.  It is being called a terrorist act.  More evil.  I don’t care who the perpetrators are and how they justify those acts.  It is evil.  Designed to strike fear into others.  It is a cowardice and pure unadulterated evil.  And you fight evil with truth and courage.  And with Him who will never leaves you.

It is comforting Cool Hand Luke still sleep on my bed–usually curled up in the front of the bed in the left hand corner.  Sometimes I reach out and pet him.  He is the only cat (of seven) who will climb on my lap and stay for awhile to be petted.  He is a scrawny black cat who is the only pet left from the three I bought into this marriage.  He does have one odd habit:  he likes to run through open doors.  He must be at least eleven now.  He does not get along too well with the other cats but he is my cat.  Not that you can ever really own a cat.  They own you.

The forsythia are blooming.  All over the area.  A mile away a neighbor has a bush that must be an hundred yards long.  It goes around part of his property.  Every year when the flowers bloom we marvel at his display.  It goes in and out on my side of his property.  It is the longest stretch of forsythia I have ever seen.  He keeps it well trimmed.  The flowers are now blooming everywhere.  Another person in town made a beautiful arrangement by planting pine trees between each bush.  They only bloom for a short time but we enjoy other people’s flowers.

I tend my small garden in my TV room on the book case by the window.  There is several different kinds of cactus.  They grow very slowly.  A Christmas cactus hangs from an hinge on the top right corner of the window.  I only got it back when I promised to water it regularly.  I was neglecting it and its leaves were drooping badly.  My wife finally watered it.  On a speaker is a gigantic (about four feet tall) cactus.  We used to put it outside when it got warmer but it was becoming too large and too heavy to transport:  thus its present site for it does not get enough light to grow further.  We have a rubber tree which has really gotten large:  its leaves almost reach the top of the window. It keeps shooting out new leaves.  There is also a snake ivy plant that is having a growth spurt now and each of the three branches have new leaves coming up.  The one on the left is growing particularly quickly.  That is my small garden in my room.  I watch my plants carefully.

Every day I have to thank God for his blessings.  I will repeat this over and over.  I owe Him everything.  Every provision.  My health.  Everything.  I get into trouble when I take Him for granted.  I, also, have to remind myself life, also, is not fair.  Every day I have to thank Him for every moment.  I owe Him everything.  Every blessing.  Every breath I take.

Yesterday the healthy Gerbera Daisy plant my wife bought for my birthday was “sagging”:  all five flowers were drooping.  I gave it water in the morning and by the evening the flowers had perked up.  I was thrilled.  I will plant it in an area it did good before.  I like looking at the big peach colored flowers.  It is one of my favorite daisies.