Cellphones give you the illusion true communication is actually occurring.  All you are doing is only exchanging pure information.  In fact, the present generation is nervous about face-to-face contact with others.  It is easy to deceive someone on the phone.  9/10 of communication is non-verbal.  With everyone so connected you would think the world is getting along better but it is not.  There are more wars occurring around the world then ever.  Cellphones give you the illusion you are truly communicating with someone.  But you are not.  Communication with someone is the hardest thing in the world.  Cellphones have not made that easier.  The paradox is that it is even harder now.  Not easier.  But harder.

How can you be “real” with your own “blood”–in this case my younger sister who does call me periodically?  She called yesterday and I was extremely aware how superficial the conversation was.  I asked my wife about that and her suggestion was to listen better.  I think my sister has been on my blog periodically although she has never commented on one.  In my blogs I write about my present concerns and observations.  It is who I am.  All she has to do is read it regularly.  It is not that I am that prolific a writer.  Most of the blogs are short.  There is a reason I call my blog “Siggy’s Blurbs”.

I have another sister who I believe is stressed out with the responsibility of maintaining two households with almost no help from her husband.  I could see why she might not have too much time although she is very prompt returning E Mails.  There is part of me that resents that they won’t take the time to read my blogs.  It is what is important to me at the time.  I don’t know why it is so hard communicating with someone you have known your whole life.  Maybe, there is just too much baggage accumulated over the years and it is very difficult breaking through that and truly being genuine with each other.

‘With whom I can be what I want to be.’ This is a line from a song of a Ian Anderson album (“Benefit”–Jethro Tull).  I understood this line perfectly.  It is important what friends you surround yourself with:  they can either bring you up or down.  It is critical, also, whom you choose as your mate.  He/she can help you be what you ought to be or get in the way.  I could not do all the writing I do had it not been for my wife’s support.  I would not have my web site (siggyscafe.com) or blog (siggyscafe.com/Blog) if it was not for her.  No one can completely fulfill your needs but it is important to be around others as much as you can who support your most important endeavors.  Another words, who let you be who you want to be.  You will be happier in the long run.

Every person has a different cross to bear.  In Paul’s case (from the New Testament) it was his ‘thorn in the flesh’ God would not remove despite his fervent prayers.  Sometimes prayers will resolve a situation or physical infirmity but sometimes not.  His answer is, “No.”  Every person has something different to deal with.  Sometimes, also, we create our own hell.  And sometimes it is not our fault.  It is our unique situation.  It could be fractured relationships.  Maybe, a mom or dad or sibling or friend or mate.  We can not even compare ourselves to someone else.  That really does not help.  Everyone has problems.  That is the way it is.  Every person has a different cross to bear.  It is really out of our hands.  All you can do is pray.  And change what is in your power to change.  And leave the rest up to Him.  Everything is by grace.

What would I care about if I go after my wife?  I can’t take my things with me.  I know from dust I come and from dust I return.  So what do I want to leave someone after I die–not much.  The only thing I care about and hope I can leave in good hands is my journals and poetry.  I would like to think at least a poem or two or three would outlive me.  Money can’t buy happiness.  Bill Gates, at one point, was the richest man in the world.  So what does he do but pour billions in a foundation so, maybe, he can make a difference.  Each person wonders if he/she will leave any kind of legacy.  And there are multiple ways of doing that.  It could be the memories your children have of you who in turn impact others.  Memories of you may not die so quickly.  Sometimes anyway.  Many people when they approach the end of their life wonder about the legacy they will leave behind.  At least I do.

I have been depressed for awhile.  I know my depression is an indicator.  I know my age has something to do with it:  I will not live another 64 years.  I wonder what I will leave behind.  I certainly can’t take my things with me–my music, my journals, my poems.  I can’t take anything with me.  So what is there?  What is my purpose of living?  It is not the accumulation of my things.  From dust you come and from dust you shall return.  I do hope I leave the world a better place, that some people might mourn me.  And have good memories of me.  The thing about the world it goes on.  Every day someone dies, someone is born.  I am trying to figure out my purpose in the time I have left.  Not that my death is imminent but who knows?  No one can really help me on my journey.  Somehow I have to figure out what I have to do which will give me meaning so I can climb out of my depression.  There is (???are) no easy answers.

My brother-in-law says face the ‘light’ not the darkness.  It is too easy to get lost in the darkness.  It envelopes us, discourages us.  The devil does exist.  And he likes keeping us in the darkness.  We lose our way, our focus so face the light.  Focus on the truth, which is always found in the light.  We know what side is going to win in the end.  The devil uses his darkness to deceive us.  The bible says and this is a paraphrase, center on the good that is out there.  And focus on that.  Don’t get lost in the darkness.  Focus on the light.  He will show you the way.  And direct your path.

My dog Tilla gives great hugs.  He is one of four but he is the only dog that does this.  I will be sitting in my chair and he will lay his upper body on my lap.  He is all of seventy plus pounds but he does not hurt me when he does that.  He just wants to give me a hug.  And that is his way of doing so.

It is always about the music.  Whenever I loved a group I went deep in their albums.  I never collected just to collect.  Although sometimes the first album of a group or artist I bought was excellent and subsequent albums never matched up.  I do read music reviews.  My collection is out of control since I married my second wife.  She “discovered” E Bay and went a little crazy for awhile.  Now there is music in my house I am not familiar with or have no interest in.  Like when she bought the complete set of Emerson, Lake and Palmer.  I had stopped listening to them after their second album.  I am glad she is no longer doing that. I now do have some music I never thought I would ever see again.  In my first marriage I had to make room to include some music which meant I had to get rid of some of the “deadwood” in my collection.  In my new house I have more room so I can collect more music.  There is always an interesting piece of music I have not heard before.

“Thump!  Thump!  Thump!”  I say that to my favorite dog.  And his tail just wags faster and harder.  Tilla has had other names in the past:  the loveable mutt was first called Atilla The Hun, now shortened to Tilla.  Then the Olympian.  He the was the only dog athletic enough to clear our fence forcing us to build it higher the next year.  He tried then right away to go over but bounced right off it and did not try again.  He is a lovable rogue. I am sure he will earn other names as time goes by.  He is the same dog that never forgot being chained to the table twice when we were punishing him.  You can not keep a leash near him:  he will simply chew through it so leashes are kept out of his reach.  He never forgets.  Right now I feel sorry for him for he is limping slightly.  The vet says he has a torn tendon.  I am hoping we can correct that in the future.  Anyway, he is my dog.  I won him over by giving belly rubs almost any time he wants one and he loves his sporadic walks I give him.  I love him with all my heart and soul.  I never thought any dog would replace Daisy–a black mutt I had since she was a puppy but he has.  Dogs don’t live forever so I will enjoy him now.  Everything is by grace.

Today I am having an afternoon tribute to Jefferson Airplane. They continue to excite me.  They were erudite.  Their harmonies, vocals and instrumentation were powerful.  They wrote great songs.  I had the privilege of seeing them in 1970.  I went down to the Shore to see them.  I knew I would be stranded overnight but I did not care.  I never forgot moving into the aisle when they played “Crown of Creation” and all I could do was sit there mouth open awed.  It is my favorite song of theirs.  It still speaks to me.  The song is timeless and is about your struggle to grow and love those around you.  Thank you, Paul Kantner.  I will continue to listen to this box set I have of them today.  My wife is not home so I can pump up the volume.  I never tire of them.  Their songs were about love, anger and the fight to remain true to yourself despite the forces which tear us apart.  I still identify with those struggles they portrayed so powerfully in music and song.

Today I will choose to be happy.  No matter what God sends my way.  I will choose to be happy.  Every day something goes wrong.  So what!?  I will determine to thank God for every thing He sends my way.