I was watching the robin swallow the five inch worm.  The bird could not do it right away.  It took a few tries before it completely swallowed the whole thing.  It was snowing and there was a large bare patch under the pine tree under which it dug up the worm.  Later on I saw another robin foraging under the tree.  They must have a hard time when it snows to do that.  This is another spring snow storm.

Tomorrow is Spring and it does not feel that way.  I checked the ten day forecast–most of the next ten days are thirties and forties with only one day hitting fifty.  It snowed a few inches yesterday and I checked the crocuses:  one bud was peeking out of the snow.  I know.  Spring will finally come with the corresponding higher temperatures and then I will take the warmer weather for granted.

It was still white the view outside our kitchen window.  I discovered yesterday that it did not snow in the adjoining county–just here.  Our woods were still covered with snow although not all the land belonged to us.  I do like looking at the white colored trees and ground.  In three days spring will be here.  It certainly does not feel that way.  The forecast for tomorrow is snow and ice–the high for the day will be thirty two degrees.  It is actually forecast to be warmer the next night than during the day–by two degrees.  Meanwhile the daffodils continue to get taller awaiting the warmer weather as well as other plants like the tulips and lilies.

Still no appreciable snowfall.  It is March sixth.  We were supposed to get a few inches of snow last night but nothing happened.  Will we go through the whole winter and not get one snowfall greater than an inch or two.  Spring is now fourteen days away.  I still remember the winter snow lay on the ground for months (1996).  It did not happen this year.

Spring Was On its Way

Author: siggy

Spring was on its way.  I checked the bed of daffodils that come up every year and there were nubs coming up.  I never checked them so early during winter.  It was the last day of January.  Last time I looked the primrose were still blooming.  They like the cold.  We have had temperatures as low as 3 degrees in the morning so maybe the primrose finally died.  I am going to look.  Nevertheless, spring was still a bit off.  We have had snow but only minor storms.  It is still a bit to go.  The worst is not over.  Groundhog day is coming, though.

The slate-covered juncos are here.  I saw several in the backyard.  Their flashing white tails were unmistakable.  I have a friend who calls them ‘snow birds’.  No snow yet but I have not seen one in the front of my yard.  Anyway, I figure it will be any day and they will feed on my bird seed now.  Maybe, it will take snow first to have them to feed on my seed.

It does feel like winter today.  The temperature is floating around the freezing point and there is a healthy wind blowing making it seem even colder.  Even my four dogs do not want to stay out too long in the yard.  Tomorrow is supposed to be more of this, then it warms up again.  When I woke up, there was a layer of snow on the ground but it was gone by the afternoon.  Spring is getting closer.  In a few days it will be March.  All of that does not matter.  All I want to do today is to stay in.  It is just too cold.

Three deer bounded across the road right in front of me coming from the large meadow.  They must have been holed up in the tract of woods adjacent to my property.  It was an unusual spot to see deer.  Though there were deer tracks in the snow in my driveway a few weeks ago.  In the eight years I have only seen two deer here.  The three deer looked like they were fawns not yet completely grown.  Hunting season was long past.  They were heading toward the farmland and the forest beyond.  I was just surprised to see them here so close to my property.  There are other animals in the vicinity but they usually stay out of our view.  The juxtaposition of animals with civilization has always fascinated me.  And we are on the edge of country.  You just never know what you are going to see.

It was cold and wet, an utterly miserable day.  I quickly “dashed” to the post office and then the local supermarket and returned home.  When I left, three dogs squeezed past me into the yard–only because they liked going through doors and could do that.  I was only gone fifteen minutes and all three dogs ran in (???) immediately in the house when I opened the front door.  Even the dogs did not want to be out long.  It was that kind of day.  It could have been worse:  the temperature could have been a little lower and we would have had snow.  Nevertheless, I am glad I had heat and was inside.

It has been snowing for awhile and everything is white.  The snow is a wet, heavy one.  I have never seen our lilac bush so bent.  I am not going anywhere so I might as well enjoy the scenery viewed from my back and front window.  The branches of trees are all bent by the weight of the snow.  It is only an half a dozen times a year I might see the white landscape.  I made sure my bird feeder was full this morning with sunflower seed.  I know the birds have to forage a little harder in the snow but they have to eat, too.

It Was Just Cold And Wet

Author: siggy

It was just cold and wet.  To my surprise upon waking up, there was some snow on the ground.  Just some patches.  It was thirty-three degrees outside and drizzling.  If the temperature dropped another degree, it would be snowing.  Although it was spring officially, it still felt like winter.  All I wanted to do was stay in where I had heat and it was dry.  I am waiting for the “real” spring to show up.

Even in NYC others want a connection with nature.  I was visiting my friend there and I noted facing one window were all kinds of houseplants.  Yes, you are surrounded by concrete pavements and buildings but others still desire that connection.  Sure there are parks in the City.  And they are well attended.  I remember going to one nearby my friend.  And huddled in one bush was a robin.  I never had seen one in February before.  It is so easy to feel divorced from the world God has created living in such a big city.  It is just a little bit harder there but the popularity of houseplants indicate but (???) every person wants that connection.  A world really never too far away.  There is the wind, the sun, rain and even snow and even the ubiquitous pigeon that remind you there (???) nature is not too far away.  It just seems that way sometimes.