All I want to do is stay in:  it is just too cold outside.  I checked the ten day forecast and it is more of the same for the next six days.  Presently it is under thirty degrees.  It is supposed to be spring and I am waiting for the sixty and seventy degree weather.  I do not even want to go out.  Meanwhile I will just bundle up any time I have to leave the house.  I know the warmer temperatures are coming.  I am just impatient.

Spring has finally arrived although it does not seem that way:  it is thirty-eight degrees presently.  A few days ago it hit seventy-eight.  The day was a harbinger of spring.  Today it is here only in name.

I know it is getting warmer.  I really want the cold weather banished and that is not going to happen.  A few days this week it is not going to hit forty.  I know the warmer temperatures are coming.  I am impatient.

This winter was just too cold.  I know the consistent warmer temperatures will come and before I know it it will be summer and I will again wonder where spring went.

Tomorrow Is Spring

Author: siggy

Tomorrow is spring.  It has been a long cold winter.  The daily temperatures have been getting higher so I know it is only a matter of time before winter and the accompanying cold weather will just be a memory (till next year).  Right now I just want to feel warmer.  I am tired of the cold.

Spring is now one week and one day away give or take an hour or two.  It was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining and it was, at least fifty, degrees outside.  Pretty soon this cold weather will just be a memory.  Of course, nothing is forever.  I will just experience today.  That is all I have.  And sometimes that is all you can focus on—today.  So I will enjoy today exactly how it is.  And worry about tomorrows.  Another day.

Sunday Slipped By

Author: siggy

Sunday slipped by:  from that point it is six weeks to spring officially.  Now I can start my six weeks countdown to spring.  Temperatures will gradually rise and the cold weather will disappear again.  I do this every year.  Winter is on its way out after it hits the midpoint.  It makes it a little bit bearable.  I never liked the cold.  I never lived in a climate other than a temperate one.  I just endure winter and its accompanying cold weather.

It is not even winter (less than a week to go officially) and I want to join the black bears and hibernate. I checked the ten day forecast: at most the temperature will only creep slightly above freezing. Praise the Lord I have heat. All I want to do is stay in. I will make a dash for the car when I have to go out and be happy when the car heater kicks in. I will put out the feed for the birds quickly. To think, winter has more than three months to go. Presently they are not calling for snow. It could get worse.

Winter Finally Arrived

Author: siggy

Winter finally arrived.  There was a low swish as the wind was blowing through the trees and they were bare.  It only seemed yesterday when I noticed the trees still were clothed in leaves.  It was thirty-eight degrees and the clouds were dark and ominous as if snow was around the corner.  Now I knew I could not avoid winter only weeks away.  And now I wanted to hide inside my heated house until next spring.  I knew I could not but that was the way I felt.  I go through this every year.

I just want the Winter (and cold weather) to be done.  And I did have a reprieve of Indian summer.  The most discouraging thing it is not even December yet.  I feel the same way every year.  I want to hibernate when the cold weather is here for good.

It does not make any difference how much I love the mostly mild weather in Autumn and Spring.  I would like to go away when this weather arrives.  I just don’t know how to pull it off especially with our menagerie of seven cats and four dogs.

These feelings regarding the cold weather are not new.  I have all my life lived in a temperate climate.  I just don’t know if there is anything I can do about it except to move and that does not seem like an option.  I will simply pray about it.  There is nothing more I can presently do about it.

It was cold, wet and damp. To think fall was only a few weeks in and winter was next was down right depressing. I wish I could hibernate. Somehow I have to bear it (please excuse my unintentional pun). But that does not make it any easier. I will stay in, hopefully run my coal stove when the really cold weather arrives. I have had a full bin of coal that has been sitting there in back of the house for over two years. The only reason the stove has not been used there are too many boxes in that room but this year I am going to move them so I can finally light the stove. And reduce my electric bill. They are calling for colder weather than usual, so I have an incentive to move those boxes.

I am wondering whether our black-eyed susans are going to come up.  I wanted them along the wooden picket fence bordering the road.  My wife planted seeds last Fall along this border which is over one hundred feet long.  We will see.  I thought they would accent the fence nicely.

I love black-eyes susans.  They keep spreading in our yard.  My wife also helps them along.  The blooms last for many weeks.  I have been helping my wife in the garden more because she physically can’t do the same work there she used to be able.  She has a bad back and pays for everything.

Last year we had several cherry tomato plants in large pots.  I love snacking on them.  Before we know it the winter will be over and it will be spring my favorite season.  Everything comes alive again.  And spring always come after winter which I just endure.  I don’t like cold weather.  And makes anticipating spring that much sweeter.

A snow storm was coming.  The waitress said, “I don’t care, I don’t work tomorrow, let it snow.”

I overheard another say, that later the snow will be heavy–a few inches an hour.

The person I was sitting next to said, ‘Lancaster will get it worse.’

There were all kind of rumors floating about the oncoming storm.

I heard an fragment of a conversation regarding the policy of gays in the military, “If it is not broke don’t fix it.”  And then, ‘If someone comes out, they will be killed.’

All this while I was enjoying my bottomless cup of coffee.

On the way home I briefly stopped at the shore of the Susquehanna River, as I often do after I stop at the diner, quickly glanced at the River’s surface, which seemed pretty calm.  There was no indication a storm was set to arrive in a few hours.

I saw someone must have  launched a boat in the River.  A truck was parked there.  It must have been a die hard fisherman.  It was bitterly cold and the middle of winter.  I shrugged my shoulders.  I finally went home.

It is frigid outside:  the bank said seventeen degrees.  Spring can’t come fast enough.  About six weeks to go officially.  I am staying inside and enjoying our heated house.  I do not want parts of me to break off in this cold.  Or so it seems.  I am definitely putting on my gloves next time I go out.  It is just too cold today.  And February still has to come.  What a depressing thought.