I am watching the snake ivy grow.  There are three new leaves coming up from three separate stalks.  One leaf particularly seem to grow so quickly that every day it seems to be a little bigger.  This rapid growth seems to happen every year once a year.  I enjoy watching my plants.  The snake ivy is in my office where I watch TV and listen to music so I am there a lot.  I just give the ivy plant a little attention.  I give it a little water once a week when the soil is dry.  That is all it needs.  I have other plants in my office.  They don’t grow as quickly.  Right now I have my eyes on the ivy plant.

I did not want to mow down the chicory growing on the two foot wide strip of land between our fence and road.  We had cut the lawn all summer until recently.  I noted a row almost an hundred feet long of blue flowers.  The plants were about two and half feet high.  It looked as if we planted them.  I never paid much attention to chicory before.  And I know the plant is a weed found everywhere.  Nevertheless, the row of blue flowers were beautiful.  Both my wife and I agreed to leave them alone.

It was a small thing but it gave me joy. I moved a gerbera daisy and it responded to its new location by giving out two yellow flowers. The flowers would have shriveled up in the old location. We had another such plant and it died. Every time I look at the flowers I smile. Such a small event in my day but it gave me much pleasure.

One black eyed susan is blooming.  The plants are growing fast and will bloom later on in the season.  Right now there is one flower.  Whatever possessed that one to bloom is beyond me.  I will just enjoy that one.  Later on there will be countless ones for there are several beds of them.  Right now I will enjoy the single flower.  And then maybe all the others.

I looked again and saw the three sections of ferns had unfurled and were now about ten inches high.  Last year someone planted them for us.  I, also, noticed the black eyed Susans had doubled in size the week I was gone.  When they finally flower it will be the tail end of summer.  And among the black eyed Susans plants there was one small star shaped white flower that somehow made its way through that bed.  These were just a few discoveries I made this morning in my short walk around our garden.

It will be fun walking around my yard.  I will have been gone a whole week.  It will be interesting to see the changes outside and also in my plants in my office.  Sometimes you think your plants and flowers are not growing much but I have been gone a week so I want to see what new flowers have bloomed and have buds.  I will leisurely walk around and study each inch of the ground.  Inside and outside.  I know my wife planted three large tomato plants.  When I left, some already had tomatoes on them.  I am anxious to see how our strawberry patch is doing.  By now the wild black raspberries have flowers as well as the wild black berries.  I will not be able to take in all the changes at once.  I will have to walk around my property several times to notice all the changes.  To me, this is all exciting.  It is rare I go away.

My pansies are flourishing.  We bought lots of them and they are doing great in the various pots.  It is perfect weather for them–fifties and sixties most of the time.  I love looking at the different varieties.  Many of them are multicolored.  We never had so many.  It is a small thing but it gives my wife (and me) much joy to see another of God’s creations.  And my has He been busy. Every day my wife walks around the garden to make the next discovery.  Spring is aptly named.  Everything springs up.

Union Square In San Francisco is an oasis in a sea of concrete.  There are all kinds of plants, trees and bushes and flowers.  There are few trees or flowers around it.  I was at the Cafe there and was amazed when a hummingbird zoomed in and out some flowers nearby.  All kind of questions came up.  Does it live in that area.  And if it doesn’t, where did it come from?  There simply were not many flowers nearby.  To me it was a little miracle the hummingbird found Union Square–an oasis to it.  Life is full of little miracles.  And the appearance of the hummingbird was one.  Every day miracles occur.  We just have to open our eyes and be receptive.  Miracles are not always earth shattering.

I Still Watch My Plants

Author: siggy

I still watch my plants.  The rubber tree and snake plant seem to grow a little each day.  It is now out of its dormant period.  I inspect it every day or two.  We don’t do too well with African violets but the one plant in the kitchen has flowers.  Today one was completely open–a ruffled pink flower.  It will only have a total of two flowers but I will consider them gifts.  My plant inspections go beyond my house plants.  I like walking around my yard to see what discoveries I will make next.  I have a personal relationship with my plants.  I like to watch them closely.

The only thing I saw on the River was the ubiquitous gull.  I crossed the busy highway to take a closer view of the River but that was all I saw.  With a little luck I thought I might spot one of the bald eagles who nest on the opposite mountain.  Not this time.  I keep looking for them but I never have seen them in the vicinity.

Later on I might occasionally spot a snowy or great egret on the fringes of the nearby islands.  It is still too early in the season for that.  I just wanted to view the expanse of the River.  There were many gulls but that was about it.  They could be found here year around.

Later on I will walk around my land and see what plants are starting to come out of the ground.  The daffodils, of course, are five or six inches tall.  I am wondering whether any of the row of tulips planted last year will come up.  There are always surprises.  Spring is now three weeks and some days away.  We will see what comes up.

To me it is a mystery why one plant blooms and the other four don’t.  There are five plants in that primrose bed and only one has flowers.  From experience I know they may bloom twice a year early spring and late fall.  I really don’t know why only one is blooming now.  It may be the light is just right.  I am only guessing.  I keep checking those plants.  At some point it will be too cold even for them.  The leaves will die and it will come up next spring.  Then I can enjoy them, again.

I keep checking the bed of primroses we have.  One plant is about to bloom a third yellow flower.  The other four plants do not have any buds but I keep checking them periodically.  Having flowers in 35 degree temperatures is a real treat as opposed to spring and summer when everything seems to be into bloom.  I will enjoy that budding plant today realizing how precious and rare it is.