I was watching a brand new branch come up of my rubber tree which I have in my study. There was an almost two foot section of a branch which lost all their leaves. There were leaves on one end. They were curling up and had trouble getting enough light. A few days ago I noticed in the middle of the bare branch there was sudden growth and it was growing fast: Each day I could see a change in growth. There were two leaves erupting with another coming up. I eagerly was watching this. It was a treat. Each day I awaited the new branch’s progress still in its infancy.

I can’t believe how fast the time is going. A little more than two weeks we will have reached winter officially and another thirteen weeks spring-officially anyway. It seemed as if Thanksgiving has just come and Christmas is less than three weeks away. Then New Year. I know every January and February we have at least one “freeze”. And those periods will seem forever. Before we know it the Farm Show will be here. And it invariably snows that week. There is always two periods of time. The Greek language described time at least two different ways. There will be the period where it flows forever. And then where everything happens in slow motion. All this at the same time.

Everything was still white. The snow storm had gone last night. I looked at the woods in front of me and in back of my house this morning. Usually the trees are completely white only temporarily but the temperature the next day was just right. All the branches of the trees and bushes were still covered by snow. It was a beautiful sight. And rare. It only happens a few times a year.

Winter is less than four weeks away. It is in the sixties today. The cold weather will return. Nevertheless, I will enjoy today. I just learned that 2014 has been the warmest in history. I am sure the bitter cold will come and there will be snow again. The only question is how bad will winter be. And spring will follow. Isn’t that a happy thought?

I’d Like To Hibernate

Author: siggy

I could not “hide” and stay in my house where it was warm to avoid the cold. The temperatures were below freezing the second day in a row. If I could, I would but eventually I will have appointments to go to and errands. Winter still was over four weeks away officially. How discouraging!

I have been putting out birdseed again for several months. I had stopped for a few months. We had several visits from a bear who was tearing down all the bird feeders helping himself. The last week was the first time I saw a red bellied woodpecker (several times) and a Carolina wren. I could have sworn I saw a brown creeper and the first flock of slate covered juncos feeding on the ground. These were all first sighting of these birds since I put back the feeders.

It was almost November and one pink rose was still blooming. The weather, on the whole, was still mild although the temperatures were still gradually dropping. It is hard to believe that in less than four weeks Thanksgiving will arrive. The clock gets changed this coming Sunday. The colder weather is coming but all I can think of is the weather of next spring. I wish I could hibernate. But I can’t. I will just endure the coming colder weather (and dress warmer).

It was a brief respite from the Autumn cold. I thought I had put my shorts away for the season but today it was muggy and abnormally warm. I discarded my shirt and put on a pair of my tee shirts on along with a pair of shorts. We are getting a last burst of summer. I will enjoy the weather fully aware the cold is coming back and I have to be prepared with warmer clothing.

It was as if someone hit a switch: summer was over and fall came. Summer has only a few days left officially. The warmer temperatures were gone and fall arrived. For that matter, August was not that warm. Now we can watch the fiery display of the leaves turning as we do each autumn.

We saw twin fawns with their Mom only a mile from our house. We saw the doe after spotting the fawns. I had a camera but could not figure out how to “capture” the scene. I had never seen twin fawns before. Maybe, next time I will have better command of my camera and will be able to get a picture of such a sight. Nevertheless, the scene will be indelibly etched in our minds. It was one precious moment.

The crocuses opened today–the first flowers in our garden. There were twelve purple flowers. I checked the daffodils on the side of the house. A few of them had buds already. It is a beautiful day today–almost sixty and a clear blue sky. This is an exciting time. All kinds of things are coming up. Let us see what the next discoveries will be.

Where do the slate-colored juncos go in the warm weather? It is still relatively cold and they still are in the yard feeding on the birdseed on the ground. There are less of them. I know they will disappear when it gets warmer and no more snow. I thought I read they migrate further north. I am really curious. I have to look it up in one of my bird books. It is usually the other way around. Some birds migrate when it become colder. Not those birds. They usually arrive when the first snow comes. It is a mystery to me.