The dahlias keep putting out beautiful purple flowers.  My wife forgot she even planted those bulbs.  Actually two plants came up and now both had multiple buds.  They must like Fall.  They both came up among a bed of black-eyed susans.  Now I am curious how many buds will become flowers until the cold kills them.  I love gazing at each flower that blooms.

I made my first definite sighting of a hummingbird since I put out new nectar a few days ago.  In fact, it did not feed on the nectar but was attracted to the pink fuchsia flowers from a plant hanging only several feet from my feeder.  I was thrilled one was still in the area.  I did not think any more were.  There were several times I thought I spotted one but this was the first time I was sure.  Let us see if it comes back.  Most have migrated.  It is a straggler.  It is already in the first week of September.  They have a long journey to make.

I put out my last nectar of the season for the hummingbirds.  I have not seen one in a day or two.  Fall has come and they might have all migrated.  I will see if there are any more stragglers.  There might be one or two that are delaying their journey south.

The apple season has started.  Ginger Gold, summer Rambo and Paula Reds are here.  I pay closer attention to the new arrivals.  The Ginger Gold and Paula Reds I enjoy now.  They don’t retain their crispness too long.  There is nothing worse than a mushy apple.  I now pay more frequent visits to my local produce stand.  Pears will also come in season.  I like buying them there for they let them on the tree longer.  They are tree ripened and sweeter than you can buy in the big supermarkets.  One of my favorite pears are Seckel pears.  They are small but very tasty pears and only around for a short time.  Fresh cider is also around the corner.  All harbingers of the next season–Fall.

I found an acorn on the ground:  Fall must be around the corner.  Temperatures now are lower.  It is still warm.  Kids are about to return to school.  I have my eyes open for the next season–Autumn.  I will still enjoy the higher temperatures but now I know they are on their way out.  Official summer is not done for a few weeks.  It is just winding down.  I will await the next season expectantly.  There is always the illusion each season will linger for ever but it is only that–an illusion.  And before you know it, the next one has arrived.

That petunia plant kept blooming–all summer.  It must have liked the spot it was in.  Usually when I buy one it blooms for awhile and then stops but this year it kept shooting out more flowers all summer.  The rack it was on was accidentally knocked over.  I righted it a few days later:  half the plant dried up but even now it still had one flower on it.  Finally it wilted.  It was the middle of November and we did not many nights of frost so far this fall.  That was one hardy plant!

Today is the last day in October and still no frost.  I can’t ever remember that.  Our petunias still have flowers although they are looking a little frayed at the edges.  It is supposed to be a colder than average (according to the Farmer’s Almanac) this winter.  Most of September has been sixties and low seventies.  The fall is almost six weeks in and the weather has been outright balmy so we will see.

It was cold, wet and damp. To think fall was only a few weeks in and winter was next was down right depressing. I wish I could hibernate. Somehow I have to bear it (please excuse my unintentional pun). But that does not make it any easier. I will stay in, hopefully run my coal stove when the really cold weather arrives. I have had a full bin of coal that has been sitting there in back of the house for over two years. The only reason the stove has not been used there are too many boxes in that room but this year I am going to move them so I can finally light the stove. And reduce my electric bill. They are calling for colder weather than usual, so I have an incentive to move those boxes.

The last traces of summer gone today. Tomorrow the temperatures drop fifteen degrees and it will return to Fall weather. I will just enjoy today. Every season lingers into the next before the past one is gone for good. The climate here has four seasons but sometime you are not sure which one you are in and have to check the latest forecast to determine how you are going to dress when you go out. Every area of the country is different. I have always lived in a temperate climate so this is the only one I am used to.

It Was A Mini Heat Wave

Author: siggy

It was a mini heat wave: three days in a row of at least eighty degree temperatures. Fall just came officially a few days ago. For a short time it will be summer again. I put on my shorts which I did not think I would wear again until next year. I will just enjoy this weather. I spent the late morning outside waiting for the mail.

It was another gorgeous day. Just perfect. The days of ninety degree weather a memory. The world turns: before we know it the cold weather will come and this pleasant weather will be gone. And then spring. And summer. A constant cycle. But I do not want to rush it.

It was labor day weekend and it was if someone turned a switch.  It felt as if fall had come.  It was 72 degrees in the house and I had to put on a sweater this morning.  For a number of months the temperature of the house had hovered around 80.  Our house retains the heat well.  Suddenly I became aware this season was over.  Summer has less than three weeks to go officially but Autumn had come already.