After a week in New Orleans I was cold here.  I went out to inspect the garden and had to put a sweater on.  It really was not too cold as far as a May day but I spent seven days in Louisiana and got spoiled.  It was high fifties and sixties here and damp and all I wanted to do was bundle up a little.  These temperatures here were really were (???) not that unusual.

It will be fun walking around my yard.  I will have been gone a whole week.  It will be interesting to see the changes outside and also in my plants in my office.  Sometimes you think your plants and flowers are not growing much but I have been gone a week so I want to see what new flowers have bloomed and have buds.  I will leisurely walk around and study each inch of the ground.  Inside and outside.  I know my wife planted three large tomato plants.  When I left, some already had tomatoes on them.  I am anxious to see how our strawberry patch is doing.  By now the wild black raspberries have flowers as well as the wild black berries.  I will not be able to take in all the changes at once.  I will have to walk around my property several times to notice all the changes.  To me, this is all exciting.  It is rare I go away.

My pansies are flourishing.  We bought lots of them and they are doing great in the various pots.  It is perfect weather for them–fifties and sixties most of the time.  I love looking at the different varieties.  Many of them are multicolored.  We never had so many.  It is a small thing but it gives my wife (and me) much joy to see another of God’s creations.  And my has He been busy. Every day my wife walks around the garden to make the next discovery.  Spring is aptly named.  Everything springs up.

I Still Watch My Plants

Author: siggy

I still watch my plants.  The rubber tree and snake plant seem to grow a little each day.  It is now out of its dormant period.  I inspect it every day or two.  We don’t do too well with African violets but the one plant in the kitchen has flowers.  Today one was completely open–a ruffled pink flower.  It will only have a total of two flowers but I will consider them gifts.  My plant inspections go beyond my house plants.  I like walking around my yard to see what discoveries I will make next.  I have a personal relationship with my plants.  I like to watch them closely.

The tulips in the garden were still closed. I noted the time: it was 10:30AM. I guess when the day progresses the tulips will open and at the end of the day close, again. That is a big mystery why they do that but they do.

Our garden has never had so many flowers in it. Pansies are all over. The daffodils are still blooming and there are different varieties which make it fun to look at. These get less sun so they took longer to bloom. Others had finished their bloom weeks ago.

The row of tulips planted last year all came up. There are at least three different varieties among them: pink, yellow and pink ones with yellow on them.

My wife has planted some seeds and we are still waiting for them to come up. It is a mystery to me what causes seeds to germinate. I help her a little more now for she has a bad back. The five different colored primrose are still abloom. It is still cool. Every morning I walk around the garden to see what is coming up next. There are always surprises.

Flowers are here today and gone tomorrow.  I was watching the tulips come up for a few weeks.  The row of tulips were planted last year.  Yesterday some of them opened and one was already past the peak.  Maybe, that is why we love flowers so much.  Their beauty only lasts a short time.  Other daffodils are opening now.  They did not get as much sun as the others.  I want to go out and examine and view them more carefully.  They are all different.  Isn’t that something?  God made each plant like a snowflake–no two exactly alike.  And if I pass too quickly I miss their uniqueness.  I have to slow down.  Maybe, that is what natures forces us to do–slow down and notice what is before us for it will disappear in a blink of an eye.

The red tulips have finally opened–several in fact.  And in another spot I was not paying much attention to a few more opened also red.  And another yellow daffodil with a specially frilled center was almost open.  Every day there are different surprises.  I noticed green berries on one holly tree.  The other tree is the one that gets the red berries.  It was spring time and everything was awakening.  And it was fun walking around the garden to see the next discovery you can make.

The primrose finally bloomed.  They like the cold weather and I have been checking the bed of primrose for several weeks.  Sometimes they will bloom twice a year.  And there it was today:  one yellow flower.  I was excited about my discovery.  I will keep checking the bed of flowers to see whether more bloom and if there will be another color of primrose.  There are only five plants in that bed.  We will see.

Five light purple dahlias bloomed–the most at one time.  My other noticed the two plants months ago.  She had forgotten she even planted the bulbs.  They were beautiful flowers that found their way through a bed of black-eyed susans.  There is nothing like noting the latest surprises in your garden.  Now I am waiting to see whether the primrose will bloom again.  They really like cold weather.  We will see.

The dahlias keep putting out beautiful purple flowers.  My wife forgot she even planted those bulbs.  Actually two plants came up and now both had multiple buds.  They must like Fall.  They both came up among a bed of black-eyed susans.  Now I am curious how many buds will become flowers until the cold kills them.  I love gazing at each flower that blooms.

The spring has arrived.  Everything has become green.  Most of the deciduous trees the leaves have come out although there are some late bloomers.  Some trees are only budding.  Spring is almost at the halfway mark.  And there are occasional days where it has skipped the season and went straight into summer but then it becomes cooler again and we know it is still spring.  I inspect my garden every day to see the next bloom of the year.  And then share the discovery with my Other.  Spring is the season of discoveries.  And I always like sharing the latest.  The hummingbird arrived on Easter only last week.  This time my wife spotted the bird first.  I love watching them sip nectar from our feeder.  And fend off other hummingbirds who invade their territory.

We went straight into summer from spring.  It hit 81 degrees today.  The warmer weather finally hit here.  I did not want to leave my car’s windows open.  It looked as if we might get a thunderstorm.  My wife worked outside in the garden and I brought out two folding chairs.  We are ready for this warm weather.  It took a long time to get here.