We went straight into summer from spring.  It hit 81 degrees today.  The warmer weather finally hit here.  I did not want to leave my car’s windows open.  It looked as if we might get a thunderstorm.  My wife worked outside in the garden and I brought out two folding chairs.  We are ready for this warm weather.  It took a long time to get here.

I don’t want this day to slip by.  It is actually going to hit eighty today:  A precursor of summer.  And then the temperatures will go down to normal–fifties and sixties.  Today is a great day for a walk.  I do not want to let this day go unnoticed.  I want to experience the warmth and blue skies thoroughly.  It is too easy to take your days for granted.  This is one day I do not want to slip by.  I want to take a walk and luxuriate in the heat.  It has been a long winter.

Winter is almost four weeks away and there has only been at most two or three nights of frost.  I can’t ever remember it being so warm this late in the season.  It is supposed to hit the sixties the next two days.  The contractor who was going to work on our patio said it was going to snow in a few days so maybe this mild weather is almost finished.  We will see.

Spring was less than five weeks away.  I started my countdown.  It was close enough to it.  I do this every year.  It is a little game I play.  I am waiting for the warmer weather.  The spring.  The blackberries and raspberries I pick.  My annual camping trip I take in May with my buddy.  The explosion of life.  The first flowers — daffodils.  Everything.  Every year I have a countdown.  The winter that passes me and I endure just makes spring that much sweeter.  Right now there is quite a bit of snow on the ground.  I know in less than six weeks it will be all gone and the daily temperatures will gradually rise.  My countdown is my anticipation of spring and what follows.

Watching plants grow still gives me joy.  The latest discovery was observing new growth on the Norfolk Pine we had just brought in a few weeks ago.  I had bought it last year for a Christmas tree and had placed it in front of our large living room window.

It was full when I bought it but over the last winter it lost quite a few branches and became straggly.  When it got warmer (it does not like temperatures below sixty) we put it outside.

At the advent of the cold weather we brought it in the house and placed it in a different spot several weeks ago.  It must like this spot better for yesterday I noticed new growth on it.

It looks like it may survive this winter.  I really don’t take credit for this but this made me happy.  It was just a small thing but it made me happy.

I stood at the River’s banks.  Usually after I had coffee and sometimes breakfast at the local diner on the way home I would stop at the bank of the River and gaze out at the surface of the water and the mountains.  I never spent a long time there.

It has been several months since I was at this spot.  The wind was blowing on the surface of water stirring it up.  It was not too cold and not too warm.  Rain clouds were in the distance.

Fall had come.  There was a slight chill in the air although I really wasn’t cold yet.  Coming here is always like entering another world.  Sure I often pass the River from a distance but peering out from its shore is always a different experience.

Too much time had passed from my last visit.  Now I no longer wanted to be here.  It was a little uncomfortable although it still was a mild sixty-two degrees.  I knew I would now only view the River from a distance until it got warmer again.

There was some regret:  too much time had passed since my last visit.  I had missed too much.  Its face is always different:  The lighting is always different on the sky, water and mountains and trees.  Every visit.  I now will await the warmer weather.

Time Is So Fleeting

Author: siggy

Spring is now four weeks minus one day away.  Now it is cold and snow still lingers on the ground.  Before we know it the first daffodils and primrose will come up and then the warm weather will start.  This cold will be a distant memory.  I am looking forward to picking the raspberries on my property and then my blackberries in July.  And before we know it autumn will come again and the cycle will start all over again.  Time seems to have two cycles at the same time.  One turns very slowly and the others speeds all the time.  Time is a vapor as the Bible says.