Every Day Is A Gift

Author: siggy

Every day is a gift.  And a miracle.  There is no way to get around that but to lead a life of despair.  I chose not to do that.  Every thing in my life is only by grace.  I chose to believe every day is a miracle.  And sometimes I wallow in despair.  And have to work through it.  The dawn is always around the next corner.  In fact, it is right in front of you.  And life can be bitter and contain much loss and pain.  I have to work through it.  And walk toward the Light–the Light that is always there.  And sometimes I stop seeing it.  It is there but my vision is clouded.  I have to remove the blinders over and over.  It is a process.  I chose to believe every day is a miracle.  There is no other way to live.  The only other choice is despair.

I reviewed the things that were depressing me.  And listed them.  There were some major reasons and some minor ones that by themselves were not enough to cause me to be depressed but were just another reason to be.  It was an accumulation of factors.  I am trying to eliminate what is in my control to change and see if my depression will lift.  It is worth trying.

There are too many clothes in my closets.  I found eight long sleeved shirts and grouped them.  There are so many shirts I hardly wore.  I don’t even know where they came from.  I still think my clothes breed in secret.  I did not buy them.  There is a clothes giveaway in town and my wife must have gotten some of them there.  I am ready to give some back.  My favorite ones get lost in the shuffle.

Tilla jumped enthusiastically on my bed to greet me.  He wanted a hug and was now on eye level.  His body shook all over in anticipation of my greeting.  Wouldn’t it be nice if all your friends made it that plain how glad they were to see you.  There is nothing like a dog for unconditional love.  In fact, some people prefer dogs to humans:  they don’t disguise their feelings.

Indian Summer Is Over

Author: siggy

Indian summer is over.  Within the last week, we ended a week of weather whereby it hit eighty each day.  Now sometimes the high temperature of the day falls below sixty degrees.  Now it is wet and cold.  I am no longer wearing tee shirts and shorts.  I have to pack them away.  The summer is over for good at least until next year.

It is always better in the light.  I need to get out, rub shoulders with others–even if it is only briefly.  Sleep is coming from the darkness.  It is an abyss.  You have no control of your dreams.  It is almost like death.  My surroundings are too familiar.  Outside it is light (and sometimes hope).  Depression is too easy.  It is always better in the light.

Praise the Lord I can feed my seven cats and four dogs.  The dogs are large dogs between seventy-five and ninety pounds so it take quite a bit dog food to feed them.  The cats are not as bad although we get special cat food for them:  one cat needs a certain diet and we can’t feed him that and not the rest of the six cats a cheaper cat food.  And that does not include the bird seed I put out and the suet cakes for the woodpeckers.  It is only by grace I can do all those things.  Some families who are broke or unemployed would love to have the money we spend just on our pets (and bird seed).  Praise the Lord for all that.

Give us today our daily bread.  The prayer we give every day is God satisfies our daily needs.  This is illustrated by one of Jesus’ parables.  A farmer had a great crop and he built a gigantic store house.  And Jesus came to him and called him a fool.  Jesus informed him his time has come.  You don’t have to stock up.  He will take care of us every day.  And it is a day at a time. That should be our prayer:  He fulfills all our physical needs a day at a time.  Each day you face.

Such diversity in our world.  An example is the black-eyed Susan.  They come up every year–in different spots in our yard.  They seed themselves.  They are fighting for space with other weeds.  If you look at one bed, the flowers are at different heights and even at different angles.  I love looking at them.  The flowers last a long time–weeks in fact.  They come up a little later in the season.  Every year I await them and they never fail to please me.

I like wearing out my clothing.  I have a favorite tee shirt that has holes in it.  I want to wear it until I can’t any longer.  I remember my friend giving me a hard time for my tee shirt had some holes in it.  I really don’t care but he did.  I had to remember he worked his whole life for one company as an engineer.  He simply threw out clothing that had holes in it.  He never lacked for money.  I am torn between being concerned about what other people will think and simply being comfortable.

You are your strongest Advocate.  If the person who is treating you, does not take proper care of yourself; you have to speak up and demand you are being taken care of properly.  If this person is a doctor or another provider, and ignores your condition or worst yet does not care, you have to take positive action.

If this person is a doctor that means he/she addresses your biggest concerns.  Sometimes that means being properly referred to the appropriate party.  Sometimes that means the appropriate blood work or tests is being ordered.

You know your body and mind.  You know when something is wrong or a condition is developing that needs addressing.  If your provider consistently lets things go, then you have to consider changing providers.

You are always in the driver’s seat.  Sometimes that means being prepared when you spend time with your provider.  That means you make a list of the issues you want covered.  That person’s time (as well as yours) is valuable.  You want to make the best use of your time with your caretaker.

Again, you are your strongest advocate.  Never forget that.  The provider can not read your mind.  You have to let the person know what is going on.  You are your strongest advocate.

I Am A Homebody

Author: siggy

I am a homebody.  The grass is not, necessarily, greener somewhere else.  One of my sisters loves to travel.  I don’t have the same wanderlust.  It is true I don’t have the financial means she has.  Nevertheless, I like being home.  I still make discoveries every day in my backyard and in my house.  I am surrounded by my books and music.  I like having them at my fingertips.  I do have seven cats and four dogs that make it more difficult to just leave and go somewhere but I love my animals, particularly my dogs, and always miss them when we go away once or twice a year.  Sometimes I visit my oldest friend in New Orleans.  And I go by myself.  It is just easier that way.  When I return from a trip, home is just that much sweeter.  As Richard Thompson says in a song, ‘Every heart needs a home.’  Even when I am home I only go out briefly.