It was time to review the book King Solomon wrote in the bible, Ecclesiastes.  I hadn’t read my Bible in a while, and I realized the issues that I was facing, and causing some of the depression, were the same issues King Solomon was writing about in his book.  King Solomon was the richest man in the world and lacked nothing.  He had hundreds of concubines.  He questioned the purpose of his life.  Things didn’t make him happy.  At times he despaired.  He said, what was the use, the same fate faces me as other people?

I realized it was time to review his book.  I certainly wasn’t the richest man in the world, but I was dealing with the same issues:  can things satisfy you?  What was the purpose of your life?  I certainly was at the tail end of my life.  So yesterday I picked up a Bible and started reading his book.  I know in the end he says the only wisdom is to fear the Lord, but I want to first read through all the issues he was detailing of his life.

Depression is not necessarily a bad thing.  Depression and despair are companions.  It simply may be telling you it is time to reexamine your value system.  What else is there to life?  Maybe I need to make some changes in my life.  This process does not occur without some pain.  Psychic pain translated in depression (and despair) is trying to get your attention.  There is no easy way out.  It has to be worked through.  Your depression is not the “enemy.”  Everything God has created is there for a reason.  Now is the time to evaluate how you spend your time.  This is a transition period so learn from it.  Depression is not necessarily a bad thing.  Your mind and body are connected.  Listen to what it is telling you.  Life is a journey.  There is an endpoint.  And that is not a bad thing.  It lends urgency to your life.  And there will always be loose ends.  You just want to minimize them so listen to your mind and body.  Everything is connected.

It Is Only A Room Yet…

Author: siggy

It is only a room yet…  It seems as if we had talked about converting it to a guest room forever.  The room had been referred to as a ‘junk’ room.  It is extremely cluttered.  And every time I look inside that room I despair.  We will never straighten it up or so it seems.  It would take a miracle.  Or so it seems.  I do not know why it is so hard to get rid of things but it is.  Greater miracles have happened in my life so maybe one day that room will become a guest room.  We will see.

Often your worst fears don’t materialize.  And sometimes you have to be aware you are more vulnerable when you are fatigued and feeling overwhelmed.  You have to be kinder to yourself.  And realize your feelings at these moments can be a deceiver.  There is nothing like a solid night sleep to evaporate your worst fears that can run rampant in these moments.

You just have to be aware when your feelings are a more reliable indicator how you truly are doing.  And feelings do come and go and there are many shades of them very seldom do they run to the extremes–from despair to great joy and often you are somewhere in between and that is okay.

The mountain peaks only come once in awhile so enjoy the simple pleasures that come along and treat yourself not too harshly when you err.  We all do.  And forgive those who do also.  You do not expect yourself to be perfect so extend that same privilege to those around you.  Your life will run smoother.  Be happy with what you’ve got.  You only get one time around.

The Upcoming Snowstorm

Author: siggy

The area was rife with rumor

I simply waited

I don’t trust weather forecasts

I kept though peering at the sky

Waiting for the first flakes

I even took some


Filled up my tub

With water

An outage

Could demonstrate

How much water

We wasted every day

And assume

Will always be there

Flushing the toilet

Reminds us of this

The supermarkets

Were impossibly busy


As if everyone

Needed bread and eggs

I viewed all this

With sorrow

We all should

Have this problem

Thousands of miles


An country

Has millions

With nothing

They own

But their backs

And many broken



and despair


And we are afraid

Of a few flakes

Why Joy Is Everything

Author: siggy

Life without joy is a life of despair.


Rejoice.  Again I say rejoice.  It is a commandment of the Bible.  There is much to rejoice about.  If your blood is pulsating through your veins.  That is no small thing.

Life is, in deed, very precious.  And so is your health.  Take good care of your self.  We have that in control.  There is a correlation between health and joy although sometimes you have to override that and determine to seek joy.

Men live lives of quiet desperation.  Words by Thoreau.  Very much quoted.  Accept the bounties God has given you.  And find joy in them.  Rejoice.  Again I say rejoice.

If you want to cheat death, don’t worry about your life.  Take the place in the universe God Has given you.

Do what you are commanded to do, what the tiny voice inside of you is directing you to do.

Consequences always exist.  Do not be concerned about them.  Sure, take reasonable precautions, but do not let them shackle you.  Your place in the universes is unraveling.  Do not be afraid.

Follow your heart.  Sometimes it may deceive you but always return to the best life has to offer you.  Do not look at other people’s progress.  Looks are always deceiving.

Vibrate to the pulse of your universe.  It is your place.  Do not be concerned of your significance.  When you are fulfilling only the role, the place put on the earth for you there is never shame.

Too many people are trapped by the expectations of others.  Meet yours first and remember each one of us is important to the Almighty.  That is hard to fathom but fulfill the path He is laying out for you.  It is uniquely yours.  And the more you follow it the more your ripples can change the universes.  One person can change the world.  You have to believe you are here for a purpose.  You may not know it but believe you can make a difference.

To believe otherwise is to lead a life of despair.  Act as if you matter.  And you will.