You should cleave to your mate, which means not just sexually but every which way.  There could be too much togetherness.  There always has to be some space between both of you.  This separateness expands and contracts.  That is known as communication.

Each partner needs a sense of perspective about themselves and the other.  An outside friend always helps.  Someone you feel safe with and at the same time does not threaten your relationship.  Particularly in relationships you have with the opposite sex you have to be very careful.  Engage in communication under very safe conditions that do not unnecessarily threaten your partner.

And your situation becomes very difficult when every relationship threatens your partner.  It is a balancing act.  You always need to maintain your integrity.  Loyalty to the higher standard (truth, God, and if you want to call it the higher power) is always essential.

You want to remain loyal to your mate but at the same time it is important to keep your sense of perspective.  The only way that can be done is by having outside friends.  Those relationships also prevent you from becoming stale to your partner.  It is a paradox:  you must cleave to your mate but at the same time keep some distance (or proper perspective about each other).  Both partners are enriched by outside friends.

And each time your contact ends with your friend you have something more to share with your partner–maybe a slightly different take on something.  It is, always, as I said a balancing act.  You are always enriched by maintaining your perspective about each other.  The last thing you want to do is have your relationship to become inbred (and stale).  Then your view of each other becomes magnified (instead of realistic).

Making love (the actual physical act) takes very little time in the scheme of things.  Compare the time spent in that opposed to a twenty-four hour day–it is a very small part of your day, week.

Whether you get there is another question.  If I do not treat my wife right the whole day, she will not feel inclined to me even touching her.  Sex is only the tip of the iceberg.

For that matter sex is far more than the physical act, intercourse or even coitus.  It is how you look at each other, talk to one another.  It is communication.  It is working things out between the two of you.

So much is made of it in our society.  Sex is used to sell everything:  cars, soap, you name it.  People fall casually in and out of bed in movies, TV.  Yet we are so puritanical about it.

Sex is really any exchange between the sexes.  From a look to a soft word.  And sex without affection soon runs its course.  What most people do not recognize is we learn about sex and our relationship to our bodies and others from the very beginning when we are in the womb.

Sex is not the most important factor in a relationship though it is extremely private and the only reason in the Bible divorce is permitted is adultery.  The bond of sex is sacred.  And when it is broken, that bond is very difficult to repair and mend.

Sex is only one facet of a relationship.  Honesty and affection are so much more important.  Being able to converse with one another, finding each other interesting after years of being together is so much more important.  Your mate ought to retain some mystique.  I am convinced the institution of marriage was put on this earth for only one purpose:  to get beyond our selves and teach us to love.  Sex is only one way to do that.  Everything else leads to that.


Author: siggy

To some extent, choosing a good wife (or does she choose you?) is by serendipity.  Certainly a quarrelsome wife can drive you crazy.  There is no doubt some fits are better than others but commitment is the most important factor in the success of a marriage.  It is the glue that keeps it together.  It enables you to ride out bad times and each marriage has their share of rough moments.  The next is, maybe, good communication between both partners.  It is the ability to talk out everything.  A good marriage reduces your stress at home.  God knows you get enough outside the home.  Mutual respect goes a long way.  Working out difficult issues keeps you together.  Proverbs says a good wife is worth their weight in gold.  I have no doubt of this truth so value a good woman.  And do not let her go.