Sex gives you a chance to do it all over again. Your childhood, your upbringing, your faults, your parents’ hangups all is revealed in the sexual relationship you engage in.

A committed extended relationship gives you another chance to work through your make-up, your psychological, deep rooted difficulties.

Nothing is hidden in sex. You may think so but it is not. I like a line from a Tim Buckley song, “In secret divorce they will never survive” from the song “Goodbye and Hello.”

Everything is revealed in sex. You may not be aware of it but it is. And your partner has their own separate set of problems. And somehow you need to work it out. Sex is the playground. And some relationships do not make it (and dissolve).

Sex exposes deep seeded difficulties when you raise kids where your childhood and upbringing is revealed. Every family is dysfunctional. We are all imperfect and flawed. Sex reveals this in a way that almost nothing else does.

Flesh to flesh nothing is hidden. It is just a question if you are willing to face your hangups and those of your partner. Not every one is willing to work through this.

I do not want to tell you

Sometimes I want

To surprise you,

Greet you eagerly

Maybe engulf you

Swallowing you whole

Other times

I just want

To let you know

I am thinking

Of it

And then forget

And be surprised

Other times

It will be

Furthest from

My mind

And you will

Slowly kindle me

And the roller coaster

Will go out

Of control

And I will fall out

Off the edge

And in the peace

And I will slumber

No more


“All you want from me is sex and scrabble”!? my wife declared in frustration.  I thought that was a funny list.  ?Scrabble.  Hell, traditionally males have complained about that three letter word going out first.

I lasted that long huh?!  Anyway, I had to laugh at that list.  There are things to me far more important than that–the clutter and other things that have driven me crazy almost more than the lack of the word that will remain nameless since everyone will know what I am referring to.

There have been countless “NO!”‘s you uttered to me in the short time.

Sex is only one request of many

We have known each other

Only a few years

But forever to me

You simply pretend  you did not hear me again for the umpteen time or you have heard the requests so many times so you have become blind to them or now simply you ignore them

Requests I ask you get lost in the infinite clutter and chatter

(and I am sure she will make the same claims:  “You don’t listen to me.  You never hear me!”)

I still have to laugh at the original statement.  All I (???) want from me is sex and scrabble

Really ?scrabble

And ?!sex

The time we spend doing that

Is really a drop in a bucket

Of the time spent together

I must be the crazy male

Just tearing out my hair

Excuse me I do not have much


I guess we have been

Married too long

This is the longest seven

Years of my life


I guess all wives drive their

Husband crazy

I am just one

Of a long line

At least that is

What my doctor says

Love always goes beyond the physical.  It is a look.  It is an attitude toward your beloved.  It is so many things beyond the physical.

Sex peters out awfully quickly when love between the partners fizzles out.  Love is the thoughts you direct unseen toward your partner.  He/she knows what you think behind closed doors and even unseen, unheard.

Sex with love has no parameters.  It goes anywhere the hearts desire.  Sex is far more than the physical.  Your partner always knows when you stop listening.  True communication is love which turns into the physical.

No matter how good the sex is eventually it turns sour without love.  Love always goes beyond the physical.  Love is really the only thing that matters.

Love is not sex.  And sex is not always love.  Love transcends everything.  Sex can be love.  It is the physical part of love.  If you were to watch TV and movies you see portrayed casual sex all the time.

Sex is not casual.  It imprints at a deep level one person with the other.  It always has a price so do not be fooled:  there is no such thing as casual sex.

Yes, sex is physical yet it transcends everything so next time you are tempted to break your bond with your primary partner think twice and resist temptation.  There is always a price to pay if you stray.  It may be one you will regret.  Broken trust is extremely hard to get back.  And often you can’t regain it back so think awfully hard next time you are tempted.

When Love Is Not Enough

Author: siggy

When love is not enough,

You fight


If you are right for each other

When love is not enough,

Angry, hurt words are spoken

Shattering the peace

When love is not enough

Sex disappears

And you wonder

What you ever

Saw in one another

When love is not enough

I have to forgive

My partner

For being

As imperfect

As I Am

When love is not enough

You have to start

From the beginning

Uncertain, unsure

Never knowing

Is love enough

Making love (the actual physical act) takes very little time in the scheme of things.  Compare the time spent in that opposed to a twenty-four hour day–it is a very small part of your day, week.

Whether you get there is another question.  If I do not treat my wife right the whole day, she will not feel inclined to me even touching her.  Sex is only the tip of the iceberg.

For that matter sex is far more than the physical act, intercourse or even coitus.  It is how you look at each other, talk to one another.  It is communication.  It is working things out between the two of you.

So much is made of it in our society.  Sex is used to sell everything:  cars, soap, you name it.  People fall casually in and out of bed in movies, TV.  Yet we are so puritanical about it.

Sex is really any exchange between the sexes.  From a look to a soft word.  And sex without affection soon runs its course.  What most people do not recognize is we learn about sex and our relationship to our bodies and others from the very beginning when we are in the womb.

Sex is not the most important factor in a relationship though it is extremely private and the only reason in the Bible divorce is permitted is adultery.  The bond of sex is sacred.  And when it is broken, that bond is very difficult to repair and mend.

Sex is only one facet of a relationship.  Honesty and affection are so much more important.  Being able to converse with one another, finding each other interesting after years of being together is so much more important.  Your mate ought to retain some mystique.  I am convinced the institution of marriage was put on this earth for only one purpose:  to get beyond our selves and teach us to love.  Sex is only one way to do that.  Everything else leads to that.