The sweetest sound anyone can ever hear is their name.  Someone took the time and care to learn it.  The more you use it the more you learn about the person.  You engage in conversations with the person, learn that person’s personal history what makes her/him tick–everything about that person.  This is all set in motion when one learns a person’s name because you brought attention to that person by addressing that person by his/her name so take care and learn the names of the people you regularly come into contact with.  It makes a difference to you and enriches your life by letting another person into your life.  All this happens when you take the trouble to learn a person’s name.  That person becomes real to you and vice versa.

In Their Own Timing

Author: siggy

People always do things in their own timing.  It is so easy to forget this.  One can become too self-absorbed with their own needs and desires.  I have to remind myself this.  It is so easy to forget.  One has to give others around them the freedom how to choose to utilize their time.  I can remind my mate of something.  I always have to do it this gently–not demand it.  I have to look at things others want me to do and remind myself I also appreciate it when others let me choose my timing.  At the same time I have to be aware of other people’s priorities.  I do not have total freedom to do whatever, whenever.  It is always a balancing act.

We Are Wired To Love

Author: siggy

Saturday, February 14, 2009, 7:13 am
You Can Change the World

Life is very precious.  Every day.  Yes, we can squander some time.  And that is okay.  But if you live as if your life does not matter, it is a life of despair.  You have to feel what you do matters and you can change the world.  It does not revolve around you.  Nevertheless you have to feel you make a difference in someone’s life otherwise it is a squandered life.  All we have to do is look around at the lives God put next to you.  There are always needs out there and hurting people.  You have to figure out how you can reach out to these people your lives are intertwined with.  You just have to open your eyes and listen.  The people are always there.  We were meant to love.  We are wired that way.

Life Is Precious

Author: siggy

Every moment is precious.  Every moment is to be savored although you have to allow yourself to waste some but not many for time can be squandered.  It is the simple things that have to be appreciated like getting up by yourself, sipping your morning coffee or waiting for the sunrise to occur.  Don’t delude yourself:  the world does not revolve around you.  Nevertheless, you must act every day as if your life makes a difference in someone else life other than your own.  Yes, you can change the world.  If you do not think otherwise, your life is in a decline.  So act accordingly.  Life is very precious and must not be frittered away.

Unfinished Business

Author: siggy

We always have unfinished business.  Everyone.  We pick up the threads of other peoples’ unfinished business and when the Lord takes me, someone else whose life I have impacted will pick up where I left off.  Sometimes we complete a task only we were meant to take on in life.  No one is indispensable no matter what you do or the reputation you have earned (or notoriety in some peoples’ cases).  That is only an illusion.  Life goes on and so does decay and renewal.

Dribs and Drabs

Author: siggy

We learn about others in dribs and drabs.  Sometimes the interactions are seconds here and there.  Maybe minutes if we are lucky.  Maybe, it is better and more meaningful that way, especially if time elapses between contact.  We have more time to take in everything.  As I mentioned in one of the quotes, ‘The value of a man (or in this case it could be a woman) is not in his skin that we should touch him.’  (Thoreau in “Walden”)

(originally written 1/31/9, 8:15 p.m., Saturday)

Hello world!

Author: siggy

Welcome to my blog on WordPress.