All of a sudden I did not want to spend much time inside. I stepped out side and it was warm and sunny and not even an hint of a breeze. I was refilling my bird feeder with sunflower seed.

It was a perfect Autumn day. I told Lynelle about it and urged her to go out. I wanted to do whatever I had to do inside and quickly to experience this beautiful day. I don’t know how many of these “gifts” would come along. I was not taking anything for granted.

It was a perfect Autumn day.  I checked the mail in town.  I realized I had too many layers of clothing on.  I took off my turtleneck when I got home.  The temperature must have been nearing seventy degrees.  There was a dull roar in the background, the leaves were blowing.  It was a perfect day to fly a kite.

It was another gorgeous day. Just perfect. The days of ninety degree weather a memory. The world turns: before we know it the cold weather will come and this pleasant weather will be gone. And then spring. And summer. A constant cycle. But I do not want to rush it.

It was labor day weekend and it was if someone turned a switch.  It felt as if fall had come.  It was 72 degrees in the house and I had to put on a sweater this morning.  For a number of months the temperature of the house had hovered around 80.  Our house retains the heat well.  Suddenly I became aware this season was over.  Summer has less than three weeks to go officially but Autumn had come already.

I don’t want to squander the seventy degree day in the middle of November.  I checked the ten day forecast–still warm for this time of year.  Today it is going to hit seventy.  It is very unusual to have a day this warm this late in Autumn.

I want to do something unusual this day before the daylight runs out.  I have about five hours left before it gets dark.  Perhaps I will go fishing somewhere I have never been.  It can’t be too far away but I don’t want to waste this unexpected mild weather.

Weather is all by grace.  People complain about the weather all the time.  I just want to accept whatever comes my way.  The weather is always by grace.  I know cold weather will come.  This day is by serendipity.  I will just take advantage of it.

Life is composed of many small things.  The big things only come along once in awhile.  If you can’t enjoy the small things you miss a lot.  It is just a question of paying attention.

I happened to notice looking out through my large living room window a flock of slate covered juncos feeding on the ground (three to be exact).  It was only the second time in months I have seen them–the first time more than one at a time.  The advent of Autumn seemed to have brought them here again.

I was passing a house in my car and I saw their young black goat for the second time.  It was crossing the road right in front of me.  For a second it reared on its hind legs as if to say “hello” and then walked across.

Another one of their animals a hen turkey stood for the longest time in front of my car before it made it to the other side.  I brought my car to a total halt waiting for it to pass.

Theses are just three incidences but they enlightened my day.  You never know what surprises lay ahead–usually when you least expect them.  All you have to do is face each day expectantly.

It Is Wet and Cold

Author: siggy

It is cold and wet and damp.  Even my dog does not want to stay out.  It is forty-three degrees.  I made sure I put a warm, long sleeved shirt on with a sweatshirt.

It is only October fifteenth but I am ready to hibernate until spring and warmer weather.  This is the time of year that all I want to do is stay in my heated (and warmer) house.  To think Autumn is just beginning.  How depressing!

I stood at the River’s banks.  Usually after I had coffee and sometimes breakfast at the local diner on the way home I would stop at the bank of the River and gaze out at the surface of the water and the mountains.  I never spent a long time there.

It has been several months since I was at this spot.  The wind was blowing on the surface of water stirring it up.  It was not too cold and not too warm.  Rain clouds were in the distance.

Fall had come.  There was a slight chill in the air although I really wasn’t cold yet.  Coming here is always like entering another world.  Sure I often pass the River from a distance but peering out from its shore is always a different experience.

Too much time had passed from my last visit.  Now I no longer wanted to be here.  It was a little uncomfortable although it still was a mild sixty-two degrees.  I knew I would now only view the River from a distance until it got warmer again.

There was some regret:  too much time had passed since my last visit.  I had missed too much.  Its face is always different:  The lighting is always different on the sky, water and mountains and trees.  Every visit.  I now will await the warmer weather.

I did not think about it:  I was wearing shorts today like I have for months.  It was time to switch to pants.  It was rainy and 58 degrees outside.  The summer was really over.  It was only a few weeks ago where the temperature dropped 10 degrees as if someone just flicked a switch.

For months I just wore tee shirts.  I could no longer do that.  Summer had officially less than two weeks to go.  It already felt like autumn.  I just had to make the adjustment as far as apparel.  It was time.

There is a slight chill in the air.  I checked the weather forecast for the next six days and the temperature has dropped a few degrees.  Labor Day is less than two weeks away.  I know now that summer is on its way out.

There are other signs:  the hummingbirds who regularly visit my feeder have dwindled.  I think there is only one who regularly feeds on my nectar.  I can tell this only by noticing how quickly my nectar for them is going down.  The others must have started their long journey down south.

All of a sudden we no longer have to run the air conditioner in our office.  Last night for the first time for months covering myself with a sheet was not enough.  I had to get my blanket.

School is about to start.  I may have bought my last watermelon for the season.  The local peaches are almost gone.  Fall is coming.  And before I know it Thanksgiving will be here.  After Halloween.

Time Is So Fleeting

Author: siggy

Spring is now four weeks minus one day away.  Now it is cold and snow still lingers on the ground.  Before we know it the first daffodils and primrose will come up and then the warm weather will start.  This cold will be a distant memory.  I am looking forward to picking the raspberries on my property and then my blackberries in July.  And before we know it autumn will come again and the cycle will start all over again.  Time seems to have two cycles at the same time.  One turns very slowly and the others speeds all the time.  Time is a vapor as the Bible says.